75: April 22nd, 2023

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IG STORY - @olivia_sprouse

IG STORY - @olivia_sprouse

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"What's going on?" Bella asked me.

We were all gathered in my house, the cottage in LA. It was time to share the news with my closest friends: Bella, Selena, Taylor, Chloe, Bebe and Destiny. Now that they were all here... I had explaining to do.

"About a week ago I went to see my doctor. I had taken a pregnancy test at the beginning of the month and it was positive. Turns out to be a false positive and I'm instead having some feminine health issues—" I was trying to get through this quick, like ripping off a bandaid.

"So sorry," Selena spoke up.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Destiny frowned.

"What's the issue?" Bebe questioned.

"I have amenorrhea. Which basically means my body isn't well enough for me to have a menstrual cycle. And I had to get all that news alone as Dylan forgot about the appointment and left for work before I woke, supposedly never having a chance to check his phone—"

"Ugh. I hate him," Destiny grumbled.

"Stop," Taylor scolded.

I took a deep breath, "When he got home later... emotions were high and I was upset. Even more so when he said he wanted to stop trying for a baby and look into adoption or surrogacy in a few months or years I can't even remember what he said—"

"What?!" Bella spat.

"Liv," Chloe frowned. "You can't just give up."

"I'm not," I assured them all. "But Dylan is rightfully so, stressed and overwhelmed and tired of this process already. He hasn't been the same since the miscarriage..." I paused to sniffle, holding back tears as my throat started to close up on me. "Neither of us has. And our marriage as you all know has been in this ongoing state of pain and drama, whilst desperately trying to hold onto all the things that made us fall in love to begin with. But it's not there. The spark isn't there. I'm lonely when he's around. He's tired all the time. I'm crying all the time. He's frustrated, I'm depressed. We are desperately trying to move on and mend things, but the last straw was him saying he didn't want a baby now. Not now or not like this. He said this process was killing him and me and us... But unlike him I think it's worth it. I want to be a mother. More than I care to be his wife. Or anyone's if they don't want, value, or prioritize this."

"Wait," Bella said.

"What does this mean?" Taylor asked.

"What are you saying?" Chloe frowned.

"Oh, my God," Selena gasped.

"Are you breaking up?" Destiny questioned, relieved.

"Divorce?" Bebe guessed, looking shocked.

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