Chapter 20

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As dawn's light began to filter through the small window of Elara's quarters, Yord was dressing quickly. He moved with a hurried urgency, throwing on his clothes in a disheveled manner, barely noticing the mismatched pieces. Elara still slept soundly, her face peaceful despite the events of the night before.

He leaned down to kiss her gently on the forehead. She stirred slightly, a weak smile touching her lips as she murmured a sleepy, "Goodbye." Yord's heart ached at the sight, but he knew he had to leave before anyone else woke up.

Carefully, he opened the door just enough to peek out, ensuring no one was in the corridor. Satisfied, he stepped out, closing the door softly behind him. He made his way back to his quarters, trying to gather his thoughts and calm his racing heart.

Halfway there, he was met by Jecki Lon, who raised an eyebrow at Yord's disheveled appearance. " Yord, what happened?" Jecki's tone was a mix of curiosity and concern, clearly noting his state.

Yord, caught off guard, struggled to maintain his composure. "Nothing, Jecki. Just—had an early start," he managed to say, his voice strained as he tried to brush off the question.

Jecki's eyes lingered on him for a moment longer, but she let it go with a nod. "Alright, just make sure you're ready for the briefing later. We have a lot to discuss."

Yord nodded and continued on his way, his mind racing with the events of the night and the implications of their secrecy. As he reached his quarters, he closed the door behind him, taking a deep breath. The weight of their situation pressed heavily on him, and he knew the challenges ahead would only become more complex.


Elara woke from her slumber, the quiet hum of the ship a constant background noise. She stretched, realizing Yord had left about an hour ago. Dressing quickly, she made her way to the mess hall for her first meal of the day.

With a bowl of food in hand, she scanned the room and spotted Osha eating alone. Deciding to join her, Elara approached and placed her bowl across from Osha, who looked up with a surprised "Hi."

"Hello," Elara replied, sitting down. She began eating slowly, glancing at Osha occasionally. They had barely spoken since Osha's arrival on the ship, and the silence between them felt awkward.

"You're Yord's Padawan?" Osha asked, stirring her food with a spoon.

Elara shook her head. "No, I'm Master Norin's Padawan."

"Oh," Osha said, a hint of curiosity in her voice.

Elara hesitated before speaking again. "You seem close to Master Yord."

"We were Padawans together. We were friends back then," Osha replied, a nostalgic smile playing on her lips.

"Oh," Elara said, feeling a pang of jealousy she couldn't quite understand.

"Are you friends with him?" Osha asked, her eyes keenly observing Elara.

Elara fumbled with her words. "Uhm... uh, not really. He—uh—casually trains me whenever my master is not available."

Osha raised an eyebrow, sensing there was more to the story. "Casually, huh?"

Elara nodded, her cheeks flushing slightly. "Yeah. He just helps out when he can."

Osha gave a knowing smile but didn't press further, turning her attention back to her meal.

Osha, sensing the tension easing slightly, decided to ask more questions. "So, Elara, how long have you been training under Master Norin?"

Silent Reckonings [Yord Fandar x OC]Where stories live. Discover now