Chapter 31

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The Jedi Temple courtyard basked in the gentle warmth of the afternoon sun. Elara wandered through the familiar paths, her heart a mix of unease and anticipation. Recent days had been a whirlwind of change and introspection, leaving her in need of a moment of quiet.

Turning a corner, she spotted Yord and Jecki walking together, their casual conversation creating a backdrop of normalcy. Jecki's face lit up as she saw Elara.

"Elara!" Jecki's voice was bright and inviting. She quickly moved to embrace Elara in a friendly hug. "It's been a while! How are you?"

Elara returned the hug with a measured warmth, her face a careful mask of calm. "Hi, Jecki. I've been... getting by. Things have been busy."

Yord approached with a cautious nod, his demeanor polite yet reserved. "Hello, Elara."

Elara responded with a brief nod, her eyes flickering to Yord's before focusing back on Jecki. "Hello, Yord."

Jecki's eyes took in Elara's uncharacteristically loose hair. "You've let your hair down. You're not training today?"

Elara's fingers absently brushed through her free-flowing hair, a gesture of unfamiliarity. "No, not today. It feels strange to have it down like this. I'm used to it being tied up or braided."

Jecki's smile broadened as she admired the change. "I think it looks great on you. It's nice to see you like this."

Elara's smile was small but genuine. "Thanks. It's a bit different for me, but I'm adjusting."

Yord's gaze shifted to the new lightsaber hanging at Elara's side. "I see you have a new lightsaber."

Jecki noticed Yord's observation and exclaimed, "Oh, I didn't realize you'd lost your old one. This one's really stunning."

Elara's smile remained, though it was tinged with a hint of hesitation. "Yes, it's new. I agree, it's quite beautiful."

Jecki's gaze lingered on Elara's hair, her realization slowly dawning. "Wait, where's your Padawan braid?"

Elara's expression grew guarded, but she maintained her composure. "I... no longer wear it."

Jecki's eyes widened as she pieced together the significance. "Oh, so you've been promoted?"

Elara's silence and subtle shift in posture confirmed it. Jecki's excitement bubbled forth, her voice filled with genuine delight. "Congratulations, Elara! That's incredible news!"

Yord's face softened with admiration. "Congratulations, Elara. I hadn't realized. I'm truly happy for you."

Elara gave Yord a fleeting glance, her response minimal and distant. She offered a small smile but turned her attention back to Jecki. "Thank you, Jecki."

Jecki's curiosity piqued. "What about your Jedi Trials? What were they like?"

Elara hesitated for a moment, then spoke with a touch of shyness. "The Jedi Council granted me this promotion without requiring me to go through the traditional Trials. They felt that the last mission we were on demonstrated my skills and commitment sufficiently."

Yord looked at Elara with newfound respect, admiration shining in his eyes. He had always known her as a dedicated and skilled Jedi, but now, seeing her elevated to this rank, his admiration deepened.

Jecki's enthusiasm remained, though she was taken aback by the unexpected promotion. "That's quite an honor. I'm really happy for you, Elara."

Elara's focus stayed on Jecki, her demeanor polite but tinged with an air of distance. "Thank you."

Yord's gaze lingered on Elara, his internal conflict visible in his eyes. He made a hesitant move, as if considering a hug, but stopped himself, his hesitation reflecting his uncertainty. The moment passed, leaving a charged silence between them.


As Yord walked back to his quarters, he spotted Elara sitting alone on a bench. The afternoon light bathed her in a warm glow, but there was something distant in her posture. Determined to reconnect, he approached her quietly and leaned in close.

"Elara!" he said softly, hoping to catch her off guard.

Elara's eyes shot open in surprise, and she turned to face him. Her reaction was a mix of shock and a guarded calm. "Yord, what are you doing here?"

Yord took a seat beside her, the space between them just wide enough for their hips to remain separate. His left hand rested on his thigh, and he flexed his fingers, trying not to reach out for hers. The yearning to bridge the gap between them was strong, but he knew he needed to respect her boundaries.

"So, where now? First name basis again?" he asked, a hopeful tone in his voice.

Elara's gaze was steady but distant. "It wouldn't make sense for me to keep calling you 'Master.' I'm a Jedi Knight now, and you're only nine years older than me."

Her response was measured, but there was a clear emotional distance. Yord could sense that she was trying to guard herself, and it stung more than he expected.

"I understand," Yord said, his voice tinged with regret. "I just wanted to see how you're doing. Congratulations, by the way."

Elara offered a brief smile that didn't quite reach her eyes. "Thank you."

Yord's heart sank as he saw the distance she was maintaining. He wanted so desperately to reach out, to touch her hand and bring it to his, but he restrained himself. The space between them was more than physical; it was a chasm of unspoken words and hurt feelings.

"I didn't mean to make things harder," Yord said, his voice earnest. "I know I've been distant, and I should have explained myself better."

Elara's expression remained guarded. "It's okay, Yord. Things are different now. We both have our paths to follow."

Yord nodded, feeling a mix of sadness and frustration. "I guess they are."

Elara looked away, her gaze fixed on the glass wall and the garden beyond. "Yes. They are."

The silence stretched between them, heavy with unspoken words and unresolved feelings. Yord's left hand flexed again, his fingers twitching as if reaching for something he couldn't grasp. Her presence beside him was a bittersweet reminder of what had been and what might never be again.

As Yord stood to leave, he offered one last, sincere look. "Take care, Elara."

Elara nodded, her voice soft but firm. "You too, Yord."

He walked away, feeling the weight of their past and the uncertainty of their future, the ache in his chest a constant reminder of what he had lost and what he still longed for.


Author's note:

I've been listening to Chappell Roan's Subway while writing this chapter.

Let me tell you, Yord Fandar! She's got away!

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