Chapter 38

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Elara woke up with a pounding headache and an overwhelming urge to vomit. She barely made it to the small waste bin beside her bed before retching violently. Soft light seeped through the blinds of her window, casting gentle shadows in her cramped room. The space was barely big enough for a small bed and a cabinet, which amusingly doubled as a makeshift changing room when guests were over. She often wondered how such a tiny room could have been built in the first place.

Reflecting on her journey, she remembered that this room wasn't always hers. As a youngling, she had shared a large room with bunk beds and cabinets with around fifteen other younglings. Each of them owned a small dresser for their minimal possessions, as the Jedi Order did not encourage the accumulation of personal belongings. After two years, she advanced to being a Padawan, thanks to her intense one-on-one training with Master Norin, which accelerated her progress beyond the typical seven to ten years.

During her first three years as a Padawan, she shared dormitories with five others of varying species. She was the only human. The snoring of one particular Padawan often kept her awake, and it was during this time she would sneak out to the training halls to practice her connection with the force.

Just last year, Master Norin decided to give her his old billet. He said it would help her practice meditation and using the Force without disturbances, though she suspected there was more to his reasoning. Only Junior and Senior Jedi Knights typically had the privilege of their own billets.

Elara tried to sleep away the dizziness, but hours passed and she still hadn't woken up. When she missed the class she was supposed to be teaching, Yord had to take over alone. Master Norin, having just returned to the temple after endless trips to distant planets searching for the Sith, knocked on her door.

"Elara, are you in there?" Master Norin's voice was firm but concerned.

Elara stirred, jolting awake. She stumbled to the door, opening it to find Master Norin standing there with his arms crossed.

"Why did you miss the class? You were supposed to lead it with Yord," he asked, his tone stern but with a hint of worry.

Her eyes widened in realization. "What in the stars... I must've slept in. I was so tired."

Master Norin looked at her closely. "Get ready and dressed. I want you to join Master Sol to visit Osha outside the temple."

She nodded, but the sudden bout of nausea hit her again. Unable to hold it back, she vomited into her waste bin once more. Master Norin quickly entered her room, placing a hand on her shoulder.

"Are you alright, Elara?" he asked, genuine concern in his eyes.

She wiped her mouth with the back of her hand, feeling a mixture of embarrassment and frustration. "I've been feeling off all morning. It's probably just something I ate."

Master Norin studied her for a moment longer. "Take a moment to gather yourself. We'll leave when you're ready."

As he turned to leave, Elara cursed under her breath, "Sithspit."

Master Norin paused but then continued out of the room, giving her the space she needed. Elara dressed quickly, the dizziness still lingering. She couldn't shake the feeling that something was deeply wrong, but she pushed it aside, focusing on the task ahead.

Elara walked beside Master Sol through the dimly lit streets near the Jedi Temple. The tall buildings surrounding them cast long shadows, making the path ahead feel like a narrow corridor. She glanced at Master Sol, who walked with a calm and steady pace, seemingly unbothered by the gloom.

"Why are we visiting Osha just now?" Elara asked, breaking the silence.

"I visited her a fortnight ago," Master Sol replied. His voice was gentle, reassuring.

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