Chapter 22

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The hours dragged on as the sun began to rise, casting a pale light over the desolate streets. Master Sol gathered everyone together, signaling that it was time to return to the ship. The mission had yielded nothing but disappointment—the apothecary they had interrogated had vanished without a trace, and Mae, their target, had not shown up. The shop was empty, as though the man had evaporated into thin air.

As the group walked back through the dark, bustling streets, Elara couldn't shake a sense of unease. Despite the crowded scene, she felt the unsettling sensation of being watched, but each time she tried to locate the source, it eluded her. Her attention was consumed by the feeling, and she soon realized she had lost track of her companions. The busy street, filled with a variety of alien species, became disorienting.

Despite Yord's towering presence, she couldn't spot him amidst the crowd. She walked further into the shadows, eventually finding herself alone in a small, dimly lit alley. Panic started to creep in as she struggled to recall where the ship was docked. Desperately, she fumbled for her comlink, remembering she had one. She pressed the button, hoping to reconnect with her master.

"Master, I think I've lost my way. I can't see you all..." Elara's voice trembled slightly through the comlink.

"Elara, where are you?" Master Sol's voice crackled through the static.

"I'm in an alley near a tavern—" Elara began, but she was abruptly interrupted when someone bumped into her with such force that the comlink slipped from her grasp. It tumbled through the crowd and was lost among the sea of feet.

Frantically, she searched for the comlink, but after several minutes, she found it—damaged beyond repair. Feeling the weight of isolation, Elara tried to use the Force to reach out to her master. Her skills had become nearly perfect with daily practice, but the effort proved difficult amidst her rising panic.

Standing alone, her Padawan uniform starkly contrasting with the garb of the passersby, she drew curious stares. A Padawan Jedi stranded in such a place was an oddity, and the attention made her feel more vulnerable.

Sighing, she closed her eyes, focusing intently on her master's image. She concentrated, attempting to project her location through the Force. Just as she began to establish a connection, a rough hand clamped over her mouth, dragging her into the darkness of the alley.

Elara fought back with all the training she had, but the attacker, the same man from the shop, was visibly stronger. He pinned her against the wall, his grip tightening around her throat. Despite her efforts to pry his hand away, her lightsaber was nowhere to be found—missing from her hip. The man leaned in closer, his eyes searching hers, as if trying to delve into her mind.

Elara resisted, using the Force to shield her thoughts, but the strain was immense. She tried to use the Force to push the man away, to fight him off, but her efforts were futile. The energy required was exhausting, and she was starting to feel the most agonizing headache she had ever experienced. When the man's attempts to invade her mind failed, he struck her with a hard object, causing a searing pain to explode in her head. Blood trickled down her face as she slumped to the ground, consciousness slipping away.

The man, after ensuring she was incapacitated, wiped her memory of their encounter before vanishing into the darkness, leaving Elara vulnerable and alone.

Hours later, Master Norin, who had been frantically searching for his Padawan, found Elara unconscious in the alley. Blood pooled around her head, staining the concrete. His heart raced as he lifted her gently, carrying her back to the ship. The urgency in his voice as he alerted the others was clear.

"I found her!" Master Norin called out, his tone filled with concern. "She's injured, and we need to get her back to the ship immediately!"

The other Jedi rushed to the scene, their faces etched with worry.


Author's note:

I'm tryna publish every chapter cause I'm gonna be busy soon! I'm now a senior at university!

Thank you for reading! I hope you like this.

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