A bad news

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Hruday woke up with head ake, his head covered in bandage, He looked at Michael, who had a tray that had all kinds of dry fruits and his special tea

hruday chuckled Oh, I would like a coffee latte and some pormojone, please

Michael replied in polished French. accent right away, sir. Our coffee powder is the best because we use shit He burst into laughter as He said this

Hruday said thanks but I think everything is extra. Don't you know I only eat 4 of each?

Oh, one extra for our main character. Michael said he was expecting a sharp reaction

hruday said yes, but I noticed some cashews missing

Micheal oh it's perfectly right. I think it is because you hit your head that your brain part that calculates cashews is glitching, he said with a chuckle

I better hope that these are the only ones missing. If I find out that the entire pack is gone, you will regret it

Michael said but senior, that's payment for my world-class service he said, switching his tone, Man, seriously, I was a worried man when I saw that amount of blood. I mean, come on, just how much blood did you have?

Roy, who just came in, said, I guess all his blood is stored up in his brain for easy access

Michael commented, "You didn't know your thick head could even be cracked

hruday asked seriously, as everyone looked suspicious, Am I bitten?

Michael said, of course not

to his horror, Mark said we are not sure because, ahh, you have a mark on your arm that looks like a bite but it could be a tree scars

Michael said no, no, it's because of the tree we checked

Mark said, "Let me finish When I killed the zombie that pondered on you, some of its blood splattered on you. I don't know if it has mixed into your blood

but according to my logic, you should have been infected by now because you know direct exposure to the brain but just in case we have strapped you and pored spirit on the wound to disinfect rather than stop the bleeding

I would say you are safe, like 90 percent, but I don't know; Roy wanted to keep it secret. but I don't want you to be in the dark

Mark went on saying that, hearing this hruday felt a bomb drop on him. He expected this but he still hoped for the best He felt like this news was like some drugs kicking in, just as you suspect that there are no effects or if the drug is fake, you will feel the kick in the brain

he didn't know what to say He thought, "no wonder they ... paranoia getting best out of him analyzing this throbbing pain from zombie virus taking over

Will he feel tremendous pain? Can he fight this virus by guiding his antibodies to the brain?

His thoughts are interrupted by Michael's and Roy's worried condolences. hruday said shut up guys and stop interrupting me

Michael went; he couldn't believe that hruday might be infected

He thought, Is he going to write down all his future knowledge? no No, he is going to pull the main character. I had prepared all of you; he might be immune without knowing it

Michaelinternal monologue was interrupted when mark said, You didnt check, did you? You were here all day too sacred to check and find out

Roy was fuming in anger, wanting to lash out, but looking at yesterday's swollen bandage-covered head, he rushed outside Michael Cursed and said I get it and left

here today, the train of thought changed because of interruptions Why did I even climb? What's the point? now I did all that to die like this

why did I do all that? What's the point?

He thought, "No, get yourself together, so there's only a 10 percent chance; it's not even 10 percent; it could have been worse.

He took a few deep breaths and exhaled it all, calming himself down. Okay, now should I bet on 90 and prepare myself for the future, or should I bet on 10? try to enjoy myself and fight this from inside

I guess the choice is simple. Wait, why can't I do both? I will read all the books I have downloaded while i command myself to fight viruses just in case and meditate thinking about it while I am exhausted from my exercise routine

Ahmy brain hurts hruday called his eyes full of playful glee Michael Can you give me my phone and its charger and fix my whole computer in this room?

Ah, ok, I got it. i guess you are fine, huh? Michael said as he went outside that he changes so much that sometimes it feels garish

he is like some kind of teenager. Haha, we are all teenagers.

and then he calls Mark to move hruday into another room as Roy was busy making others clean up the mess going out his anger

after gently moving hruday and adjusting the bed in such a way that he was near the power socket and computer

hruday asked, "Ahh, about inverters, what should we do? It's rotting away in that building along with other supplies, and what about rewards for the game? And what happened to the zombie corps?

Michael, who waited how many things he would ask about sighing, said, you don't rush things too much take it slow just focus on recovering we will handle it man looking at the unsatisfied expression of Hruday,

he continued OK-Bose reporting Hector is getting better , Roy is cleaning up the mess and we have promised the results will be released in 4 days and we will see about inverters, Don't worry, you will get an inverter so that you can use it all-day

anything else Ah we should assign some work to keep people busy What do you think about that?

Michael was speechless. uuu!! are taking advantage to make me do all that shit so that you won't have to work when you have recovered, huh?

hruday chimed in exactly

Michael said now, What should I even clean your ass??

hruday I laughed, and yes!!

Michael realized, "No, no, no, I am out of this sh*t, and left the room laughing 

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