Chapter 1

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I glanced over at the window. There were drops of rain running down my window. Great. The first time I looked up from my schoolwork was because of the rain. My ears twitched.

I had a love-hate relationship with the rain. It's both good and bad. Both light and dark. Both happy and sad. It's also none of those all at the same time.

I hate the rain because it's annoying. I have to hear every little drop. I hate it. It's so distracting, like it wants all my attention. It reminds me why I don't go outside. It reminds me why I don't leave. I gripped onto my pencil, accidentally breaking it.

The rain has some good things about it. I don't have to hear everybody. The rain blocks it out. The rain also hides my crying. That's probably the best part about the rain. The rain gives me freedom. Sometimes, when it rains, I leave the house. It's comforting, like a blanket. I closed my workbook.

I stood up from my desk and put on my socks. I put on my jacket and grabbed my phone off the charger. I put my earbuds in and started playing some music.

I left my room and walked downstairs. I passed by one of the maids and waved. She bowed and continued with her work.

I put on my shoes before leaving the house. I walked out the front door and walked along the road. I kept walking until I got to a park.

I laid down inside the slide. Listening to music with the rain in the background was very comforting. The rain still sucks. I'm cold. I hate being cold. My tail curled up beside me.

I was still in my school uniform. Usually, I would take a shower as soon as I got home to wash the day off me, but today, I didn't. Maybe I was starting to lose motivation again. I hope they don't make me go back to therapy.

My senses were so blocked that I didn't notice the approaching figure until we accidentally made eye contact.

Even though he had water running down his face, I noticed he was crying. I could just tell because of the puffiness of his eyes. I would know because I'm an expert. 

His hair was drenched even though he was wearing a jacket. He had two different hair colors resembling a candycan or a peppermint. He also had two different eye colors. One grey. One blue. His eyes oddly remind me of the rain.

"Ah- sorry..." he said, backing away from the slide.

"No, it's fine. I was leaving anyway." I said, making my way out of the slide.

"Seriously. I need to finish my school work anyway." I got out of the slide. He nodded.

I gave him an awkward wave and then left the park. That was kinda awkward. I guess I'm not the only person who uses the rain as their makeup. I'm not the only one who lays in that slide.

I walked inside my house, taking off my jacket. I didn't want to drag water across the clean floors. This morning, I watched the maids clean the floor before I went to school. I like watching the floors get cleaned.

I quickly made my way to my room. I walked into my bathroom and stripped off my clothes. My socks were a little wet from the rain. I hate wet socks.

I glanced at myself in the mirror. My face scrunched up in disgust. I don't know how my sister does it. I don't understand how she could love herself. How do I do that? How do I love myself?

I stepped into the shower. I hate cold showers. They remind me of the rain. After my hot shower, I got dressed into my pajamas and headed downstairs for dinner.

I sat next to my brothers and sisters. My dad was still at work, but at least my mom was here to eat with us. I ate as quickly as I could so I could leave fast. I still had school work to do.

After dinner, I headed back to my room. I sat back down at my desk and continued doing what I was doing before it started raining. My mind drifted back to that boy from before.

Was he like me? He looked lonely. I hope he makes some friends. I sighed and focused back at the topic at hand.

After I finished all my school work, I jumped into bed. I snuggled up under all my blankets and stuffed animals. I like being warm. Who doesn't?

I greeted slumberland as I drifted off to sleep. I wonder if I'll ever see that guy from the slide ever again.

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