Chapter 7

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I yawned, waiting for my brother to finish getting ready. He's taking me to go see a movie. I even dressed up a little for this. I was wearing regular jeans with a white and pink shirt paired with a pink cardigan. I was also wearing pink and white shoes to match.

I decided to look through my brother's bag because, why not. He had a blanket and a pack of cigarettes. That's it? Wow, that's... boring.

I grabbed a sharpie and drew on all of his cigarettes. You know, to spice up his boring bag. Maybe a pretty smoker girl will see it and flirt with him. I don't know. He just needs to get laid.

I put all of his cigarettes back as he came down the stairs. Perfect timing.

"Ready to go?" My brother, Yoichi, asked. I nodded. He grabbed his bag, and we headed out.

"You've been wearing a lot of pink recently. Finally, I found your favorite color?" He asked.

"I don't know. My friend said I look good in pink." I said as we stepped outside.

"Wow, you have friends?" I elbowed him. He elbowed me back.

"I mean, I guess we're friends. We haven't really discussed that yet." I sighed.

"Did she say pink suits you or just that you look good in pink?"

"He said that I look good in pink."



"Yoichi! Be quiet!" I smacked his arm.

"A guy said that?" I nodded.

"And you're just friends?"

"Like I said before, we haven't really discussed that yet..."

"Yumiko, let me tell you a little something. Guys don't think and act like girls do. When I guy says something like that, it means he was observing you. He noticed that it was one of your colors. If he was looking at you like that, then that means he's into you." He explained.


"Nope. It's real."

I rolled my eyes, "I'm not taking advice about guys from a bitchless single forever guy."

"Ugh, rude."

"Ugh rude." I mocked him. He pushed me. I pushed him back.

"Hey, I have a question." He suddenly stopped walking.

"Hm?" I stopped walking as well.

"Where did the cat come from?"


"I'm not fud cking stupid. I saw you bring the cat home. Was that guy you were talking about walking you home?" He ran his fingers through his hair.

"How did you..."

"I saw it all from my window." He said.

"Are you going to make me give him away?" I fiddled with a strand of my hair.

"No. I won't tell the others. I don't think they would take him from you anyway." Yoichi sighed. I smiled and hugged him. He hugged back.

"What's this for?"

"Thank you..."

"You're welcome. We're family, after all." He pulled away and ruffled my hair.

I giggled, and we finally got to the movies. We walked inside the theater and got some snacks.

"Let me light a cigarette real quick before we sit down." He said. I nodded and waited for him. He came back like five minutes later.



"Thank you."

"For what?"

"I'm going on a date next weekend." He smiled proudly. We fistbumped and then walked to the correct theater room. We sat down in our designated seats.

"What's the genre of the movie?"

"Oh, I didn't tell you?" I shook my head.


Oh shit.

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