Chapter 4: Cozy Evenings🏵️

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After countless study sessions, I was finally starting to feel the strain. It had been a long day filled with cramming for exams, and I was exhausted. As soon as I finished my last notes for the evening, I decided it was time to call it a day.

I made my way to the dorms, my steps slow and weary. The cool evening air felt refreshing after hours of studying in the library. I pushed open the door to my room and sighed in relief. The familiar, cozy space was a welcome sight.

I changed into something more comfortable—an oversized sweatshirt and some soft leggings. It was the kind of outfit that made me feel relaxed and ready to unwind. 

I glanced around at the mess of textbooks scattered around, but I didn't have the energy to clean up just yet. Instead, I picked up my phone and opened a few apps, scrolling aimlessly.

As I lay there, I thought about the day's study session with Jimin. Despite his usual shyness, he'd been surprisingly easy to talk to, and his encouragement had made the long hours of studying more bearable. I smiled, remembering the way he'd tease me about my study habits and how we'd joked around about our "dynamic duo" status.

Jimin's POV

I looked at the notes Y/N had left behind—her neat handwriting a testament to how much effort she put into studying. With the weekend coming up and no chance to see her, I decided to drop them off myself.

When I knocked on her dorm door, the cool evening air seemed to wrap around me. Y/N opened the door, and I was met with a sight that made me pause. She was in a cozy oversized sweatshirt, her hair a bit messy from what looked like a recent bath. She looked incredibly relaxed.

"Hey, Jimin," she said, her surprise evident. "What's up?"

I held out the notes awkwardly. "You left these behind. I didn't want you to be without them."

Y/N took the notes with a grateful smile. "Oh, thanks! I completely forgot about these."

"No problem," I said, trying to sound casual. "Just figured I'd drop them off."

She smiled and looked at me with a friendly, inviting expression. "You want to come in for a bit? I'm just chilling, and it's nice to have someone to hang out with."

I glanced around and then shrugged. "Sure, why not."

Y/N stepped aside, and I entered her room. It was cozy and filled with personal touches. She plopped down on her bed while I took a spot on the fluffy carpet.

As we chatted about our weekend plans, I found myself more relaxed than I expected. Y/N's easygoing nature had a way of making things feel comfortable and casual.

At one point, she grinned and teased, "You know, Jimin, you really need to lighten up. You're always so serious."

I rolled my eyes with a grin. "Says the one who's always so chill."

She laughed, and we continued to joke around, our conversation flowing effortlessly.

As Y/N stood up and walked over to the mini fridge, I watched her with mild curiosity. She rummaged through the fridge and pulled out a few snacks—chips, some fruit, and a couple of chocolate bars.

"Want anything?" she asked, holding up the snacks like a shopkeeper showing off her goods.

I shook my head with a smile. "I'm good, thanks. I didn't come here for snacks."

She shrugged and tossed me a bag of chips anyway. "Suit yourself. But you can't hang out in a dorm without having some snacks. It's practically a rule."

I caught the bag and opened it, taking a few chips. "Fair enough. I guess I'll make an exception this time."

Y/N settled back on the bed with a contented sigh, her snack choices spread out around her. She handed me a piece of fruit and a chocolate bar, which I accepted with a grin.

"So," she said between bites, "how's the animation coming along?"

I relaxed a bit more, feeling comfortable in the casual atmosphere. "Pretty good. I'm working on something new. You'll see it soon enough."

Y/N's eyes lit up with interest. "I can't wait. Maybe you'll show me some of it later?"

I nodded, feeling a bit more at ease with the way the evening was turning out. "Definitely. I'll make sure to."

As we continued to chat and snack, I couldn't help but enjoy these simple moments with Y/N. They felt like a refreshing break from the usual routine.

Y/N finished her snack and slid down from her bed to sit beside me. The proximity was new, and I felt a bit self-conscious, but it also made me feel more at ease.

She grabbed a handful of chips from the bag I had earlier and started munching casually. "So, tell me more about this new animation," she said, glancing at me with genuine interest.

I shifted slightly, trying to find a comfortable position. "Well, it's a bit of a departure from what I usually do. I'm experimenting with some new techniques. It's a work in progress."

Y/N leaned in closer, her curiosity evident. "That sounds cool. I'd love to see what you're working on. Maybe you can give me a sneak peek?"

I chuckled and shook my head. "I suppose I could show you a bit. It's not finished, but I guess it wouldn't hurt."

I pulled out my tablet and showed her the project I was working on. Y/N's eyes widened as she took in the details, clearly impressed.

"This looks amazing, Jimin! You've got some serious talent," she said, her voice full of admiration.

I felt a flush of pride at her compliment. "Thanks. I've been putting a lot of work into it. It's nice to hear that from someone who actually cares."

She nudged me playfully. "Of course I care. You're always showing me new stuff and teaching me how to draw. It's only fair I show interest in your work too."

As we continued discussing the animation, the atmosphere between us felt relaxed and easy. The awkwardness from earlier had dissipated, and I found myself enjoying her company more than I had anticipated.


As the evening wore on, we were still deep in conversation about our latest animation project. I glanced at the clock and realized how late it was. "I should get going," I said, standing up reluctantly.

Y/N looked up from her notes, her hand still holding the chocolate bar she had been snacking on. "Oh, really?" she asked, slightly disappointed.

Before she could say anything else, I reached over and snatched the chocolate bar from her hand with a playful grin. "Consider this my payment for all the help you've given me," I teased.

Y/N laughed, surprised. "Hey! That's mine!"

I winked at her and headed towards the door. "I'll see you tomorrow. Thanks for the snacks," I said, already halfway out.

"Jimin, wait! You can't just—" Y/N started to protest, but I was already gone, leaving her with a bemused smile as she shook her head.

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