Chapter 15: Girl talk💄

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After Jimin left, I felt a pang of disappointment. He was such a comforting presence, and now I was alone again. I also couldn't shake the feeling that I might be coming down with something after getting caught in the rain. But I pushed that aside; I had a sleepover planned, and I wasn't going to let a little chill ruin it.

I quickly changed into something warm and comfy, threw a few things into a bag, and texted Clara, Sam, and Julia.

Y/N: Hey! Heading out for the sleepover soon. Can't wait to catch up with you all! 😄

Clara: Yay! Can't wait to see you! We're getting snacks ready. 🍕

Sam: Awesome! Bring some cozy socks! 😆

Julia: Sweet! I've got a ton of movies lined up. See you soon! 🎬

I got a few quick replies and was excited for the night ahead. With my stuff packed, I headed out, hoping the rain wouldn't pick up again.

When I arrived at Clara's place, the usual sleepover chaos was in full swing: snacks everywhere, pillows strewn about, and my friends buzzing with excitement.

"Finally! We thought you were going to be late," Clara greeted me, her arms wide open.

"Yeah, got caught in the rain for a bit, but I'm here now," I replied, slipping off my wet coat.

"You're just in time. We've got all the junk food you can imagine," Sam said with a grin.

"And a whole lineup of movies!" Julia added, gesturing to the TV and the stack of DVDs.

As we chatted, I couldn't help but replay the moments with Jimin in my mind. His smile, the way he'd looked at me—had I missed something? But now, with my friends around and the night stretching ahead, I decided to push those thoughts aside and enjoy the evening.

"So, what's the deal with Jimin?" Clara asked, her tone a mix of curiosity and excitement. "You seemed pretty close today."

I shrugged. "Oh, we just got caught in the rain together. He was being really nice."

"Nice, huh?" Clara said with a smirk. "You guys looked pretty cozy under that coat."

"Yeah, and you seemed pretty into it," Sam added. "He's been acting a little different around you lately."

"What do you mean?" I asked, feeling a bit defensive.

"Like, I overheard him talking about you in the library. He's always glancing at you during class," Julia explained. "And I saw him smile at a picture of you on his phone."

"Seriously?" I said, feeling a bit surprised.

"Yeah, it's obvious he likes you," Clara said. "He's been more focused on you lately."

I felt a rush of nerves and excitement. "I don't know. It's complicated."

"If you like him, you should totally make a move," Sam said, leaning in. "Life's too short to wait around."

"Yeah, and if he's into you too, you guys could be amazing together," Julia added. "Don't let the chance slip away."

I felt a mix of emotions—nervousness, excitement, and confusion. "But what if it doesn't work out?"

"Hey, you won't know unless you try," Clara said. "And you deserve to be happy. If you like him, go for it."

The more they talked, the more I found myself reconsidering my feelings for Jimin. It wasn't just about the rain or the warm drink; there was something more there. Maybe it was time to take a chance.

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