Chapter 19: Bloom of Secrets🪷

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After we finished eating, we decided to take a walk. The February breeze was cool but refreshing, and it felt good to be outside. We walked side by side, the conversation flowing naturally, until I decided to bring up something that had been on my mind.

"So, Jimin," I started, trying to sound casual, "Valentine's Day is coming up. Got any plans?"

I noticed a slight shift in his mood. His expression softened, but there was a hint of something—sadness, maybe? He hesitated for a moment before answering.

"Not really," he said, his voice quieter than before. "I haven't really thought about it."

As we walked along the quiet path, I couldn't help but wonder about Jimin's love life. With Valentine's Day coming up, it seemed like the perfect time to ask.

"So... do you like someone?" I asked, trying to sound casual, but I couldn't hide the curiosity in my voice.

Jimin paused for a moment, his gaze fixed on the ground ahead. Then, he gave a small nod, confirming it.

I felt a pang of surprise and... something else I couldn't quite place. "Really? Who?" I pressed, trying to keep my tone light even though my heart was beating faster.

Jimin glanced at me, a hint of a smile on his lips, but he didn't say anything more.

"Come on, you have to tell me!" I urged, playfully nudging him.

But Jimin just shook his head, his expression turning a little shy. "Not today," he said softly.

I wanted to ask more, to know who it was that had caught his eye, but something in his tone told me to drop it. So, I just nodded, trying to hide my disappointment. "Alright, I'll let it go... for now," I teased, even though I was dying to know.

Jimin just chuckled softly, and we continued our walk, the conversation drifting back to safer topics. But I couldn't stop thinking about what he had just revealed.

I couldn't help but feel a twinge of jealousy gnawing at me. I tried to push it away, but the thought kept creeping back into my mind.

Who did he like? Was it someone I knew? Someone prettier, funnier, smarter?

I glanced over at Jimin, who was now talking about something else entirely, but I was barely listening. My thoughts were spinning, wondering who could possibly have caught his attention. I tried to act normal, nodding and smiling at his words, but inside, I was battling this unexpected feeling.

Was I... jealous? The realization hit me harder than I expected. It was strange and unsettling, but I couldn't deny it. The idea of Jimin liking someone else made my chest tighten.

I kept my face neutral, though, not wanting him to notice my inner turmoil. We continued our walk, but my mind was elsewhere, lost in thoughts about who might be the one he had his heart set on.

(After a few days)

As I opened my locker, I was greeted by the sight of a delicate bouquet of pale pink peonies, their soft petals unfurling in full bloom. The gentle fragrance of the flowers filled the air, a mix of sweetness and freshness that instantly lifted my spirits. Peonies—my favorite. The sight of them brought a smile to my face, their pastel hues standing out against the usual clutter of textbooks and notes.

Among the flowers was a neatly folded letter, tucked carefully between the stems. My fingers traced the edges of the petals before I picked up the note, curiosity piqued.

 My fingers traced the edges of the petals before I picked up the note, curiosity piqued

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I picked it up and unfolded it, my eyes scanning the words.

The letter was sweet, filled with kind words that warmed my heart, but there was no name, no clue as to who it was from. I bit my lip, smiling to myself as I read it again.

Who could've done this? I couldn't help but wonder. My mind raced through possibilities, but nothing seemed to click. Still, the gesture made my day, and I carefully placed the flowers back into my locker, their scent lingering in the air as I closed the door.

A small smile stayed on my face as I walked to class, my thoughts drifting to the mysterious admirer.

As I walked through the hallways, I started to receive small flowers from various people—tiny daisies, cheerful sunflowers, and delicate lavender sprigs. 

Each one brought with it a wave of warmth and a smile from those who handed them to me. 

My hands were soon full of these little tokens of affection, and with each step, my heart felt a bit lighter. 

The bouquet in my locker had been the start, but now, it felt like I was carrying pieces of kindness from everyone around me.

The bouquet in my locker stood out the most. It was a stunning mix of my favorite flowers—roses, peonies, and a few sprigs of baby's breath tucked in between. 

The soft pinks and whites were perfectly arranged, and I couldn't help but smile as I admired the thoughtfulness behind it. 

While the small flowers I received throughout the day were sweet, this bouquet was definitely the highlight. It felt special, like it was chosen just for me.

I snapped a picture of the bouquet and posted it, feeling genuinely happy. The likes and comments started rolling in, but something felt off—I hadn't seen Jimin all day. It was unusual, especially on Valentine's Day. 

Maybe he had plans...with the one he liked? The thought made my heart sink a little, and I couldn't shake the feeling of disappointment.

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