Chapter 10: Feelings? 💤

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I watched Jimin walk away, the warmth of his touch still lingering on my skin.

As I touched the necklace, a soft smile spread across my face. I closed the door and made my way back to my bed, feeling the heat rise in my cheeks.

Lying down, I stared up at the ceiling, my thoughts drifting back to Jimin. The way he had been so thoughtful, the way his touch had felt... it all made my heart race.

I couldn't help but blush as I thought about him, my smile widening with each passing moment. It was a feeling I hadn't quite felt before, and it was both thrilling and comforting.

My mind was filled with thoughts of Jimin, and no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't shake him from my thoughts. It was as if he had taken up permanent residence in my head. I rolled over in bed, trying to focus on something—anything—else, but every thought led back to him.

Why was this happening? Why couldn't I stop thinking about him?

It was more than just his kindness or the way he looked at me.

It was something deeper, something that made my heart race and my stomach flutter. I sighed, feeling both frustrated and strangely content.

Ugh, why was it so hard to get him out of my mind? I didn't have the answers, but I knew one thing for sure—I couldn't stop smiling.

After a while, I eventually drifted off to sleep.


The next morning, I woke up feeling more exhausted than I should have. My mind had kept me awake, replaying moments from last night and thoughts of Jimin. I dragged myself out of bed, went through my morning routine, and slipped into my school uniform.

As I walked out of my dorm and made my way to class, I couldn't shake the lingering thoughts of Jimin. The way he had looked at me, the warmth of his touch, and that brief but meaningful hug kept replaying in my mind. I tried to push these distractions aside and focus on the day ahead, but it was clear that my thoughts were still tangled up with him.

As I made my way to class, I took out the letter I had written and discreetly placed it in Jimin's locker. I hoped it would bring a smile to his face, just as his actions had done for me the night before.

Walking into the classroom, I spotted Jimin sitting in a different spot from where he usually sat. He was seated a few rows away, and I noticed he was with some classmates. I chose a seat a few rows behind him, next to Clara.

"Hey, Clara," I greeted with a friendly smile. "How's it going?"

Clara smiled back. "Hey, Y/N! I'm good, thanks. How about you?"

"Not bad," I said, settling into my seat. I glanced towards Jimin, who seemed preoccupied with his notes. I wondered if he'd find the letter soon and what his reaction would be.

Clara glanced at me with a curious look. "So, what's up with you and Jimin? You two are always hanging out."

I tried to sound casual, even though I could feel my cheeks warming up. "Oh, we're just friends. We both like drawing, so we spend a lot of time together."

Clara's eyes sparkled with curiosity. "Just friends, huh? But you seem really close. Do you ever think there's something more between you two?"

I hesitated, feeling a bit flustered. "I'm not really sure. I mean, he's a great friend, and we get along really well. But I haven't thought about it too much beyond that."

Clara leaned in, her tone playful. "Seriously? Because it looks like there might be something more there. Do you ever get the feeling that he might like you as more than just a friend?"

I shifted uncomfortably in my seat. "I don't know. Sometimes I think he might, but I'm not sure. We're really close, and he's always there for me. But it's complicated."

Clara gave me a teasing smile. "Well, if you're not sure, maybe it's time to figure it out. Sometimes you have to take a chance and see where things go."

As Clara continued talking, I found myself lost in thought. Jimin had been so supportive and kind, and our time together was always enjoyable. But the idea of something more between us was both exciting and confusing. I glanced at Jimin, who was focused on his notes, and felt a flutter of uncertainty and anticipation. What if there was something more? And if there was, what did it mean for our friendship? I wasn't sure, but I knew I had to figure it out soon.

I couldn't help but let my gaze drift over to Jimin. Clara noticed and leaned closer, whispering, "Eyes talk."

I frowned, confused. "What do you mean?"

Clara smirked. "You've been staring at him."

I rolled my eyes, trying to hide my embarrassment. "Just when he's not looking."

Clara chuckled softly. "Funny, because he does the same thing."

My heart skipped a beat. "Huh?"

Clara nodded, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "Yeah, he's definitely got a thing for you. You two are always sneaking glances at each other."

I felt a rush of warmth in my cheeks. "Well, that's....-"

Clara grinned. "Trust me, it's pretty obvious. Maybe it's time you both figured out what's going on between you."

I nodded slowly, trying to process everything. The idea of Jimin feeling the same way was both thrilling and nerve-wracking. As I stole another glance at him, I wondered if maybe it was time to confront these feelings and see where they would lead.

I shook my head, trying to dispel the fluttering feeling in my chest. "Nah, what are you saying? It's not like that."

Clara raised an eyebrow, clearly unconvinced. "Oh, come on. It definitely looks like something's going on."

I frowned, trying to make sense of Clara's comment. "Why would he? It's not like he's shown any signs of, you know, feeling the same way."

Clara raised an eyebrow and smirked. "Oh, come on. People don't always show their feelings outright. Maybe he's just shy or doesn't know how to say something."

I rolled my eyes, feeling a bit awkward. "Seriously? I mean, I've never seen him act like that. Maybe it's just me overthinking."

Clara chuckled. "You never know. Sometimes, people are subtle about their feelings. Just pay attention. The signs might be there if you look closely."

I shook my head, trying to focus on the class, but my thoughts kept wandering back to Jimin and Clara's teasing.

I nodded, trying to focus on the lesson as Clara's words echoed in my mind. 

I glanced over at Jimin, my eyes meeting his. For a moment, he seemed surprised, then he quickly looked away. My heart skipped a beat. Was he really looking at me just now?

I tried to shake off the weird feeling, focusing back on Clara's chatter, but my mind kept drifting back to Jimin's fleeting gaze. Why was he looking at me? 

I forced myself to stay in the moment, trying not to let my curiosity get the better of me.

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