Chapter 18: Sketches🟣

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I slowly opened the door, my head still pounding and my body feeling weak. To my surprise, there was a bag sitting on the doorstep. I picked it up and noticed a note attached to it. My heart skipped a beat as I saw it was from Jimin.

I quickly opened the bag, finding a warm container of soup inside. The aroma was comforting, and I could almost feel the warmth just by holding it. I glanced around, hoping to catch a glimpse of Jimin, but he was nowhere in sight.

I took the note out and unfolded it:

"Hey, just wanted to drop by with some soup. Hope you're feeling better soon. – Jimin"

A smile spread across my face, and I felt a rush of warmth that had nothing to do with the soup. I blushed slightly, feeling a mix of gratitude and something else—something a bit more confusing. I headed back inside, clutching the note and the soup, feeling a lot better already.

As I sipped the warm soup, I could feel my fever starting to ease. The comforting taste and the warmth made me feel a lot better. I took out my phone and decided to send Jimin a quick thank you text.

Thanks for the soup. It really helped. 😊

I hit send and set my phone down, feeling a lot more comfortable. The gesture meant a lot to me, and I couldn't help but think about Jimin and his unexpected kindness.


The next day, I showed up for class. i quickly slipped another letter in Jimin's locker and went to class.

Jimin's POV

I saw Y/N slipping a letter into my locker and couldn't help but smile. I waited until she was in class before I opened my locker and read the note. It had a quote and a simple but sweet message: "Thanks a lot, Chim."

I felt a warm flutter in my chest. The little things she did were always so thoughtful. I put the letter back carefully, hoping she'd notice how much her words meant to me.

I walked into the classroom, making my way to my seat. I caught Y/N's eye and gave her a warm smile. I greeted her casually, "Hey, Y/N."

She smiled back, and we exchanged a few pleasantries, but I decided not to mention the letter.

I didn't want to make things awkward or draw too much attention to it. Instead, I focused on getting ready for class, stealing glances at her when I could.

As class went on, I couldn't help but sneak glances at Y/N. I pulled out my sketchbook and started drawing her. Every time I looked up, her features were sketched onto the page.

Suddenly, I felt her eyes on me. I looked up just in time to see her glancing my way. I quickly averted my gaze, pretending to be focused on my notebook. My heart raced a little, but I couldn't help but sneak another look to see if she was still watching.

As the bell rang, signaling the end of class, I closed my sketchbook and looked at the drawing with a satisfied smile. I folded the page over, hiding it from view, not ready to share it yet.

I walked over to Y/N as she packed her things. "Hey, Y/N, I was thinking it's been a while since we did a drawing session together. How about we grab some food and sketch for a bit?"

She looked up, a smile spreading across her face. "That sounds great!"

"Let's head to that café down the street. They have the best sandwiches and hot cocoa."

Y/N nodded, grabbing her bag. "I'm actually looking forward to this."

As we walked out of the classroom together, I couldn't help but feel a bit excited. It had been too long since we had done this, and it was nice to have her company.

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