Chapter 14: Unexpected Encounters🍃

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It was the weekend, and although I was looking forward to a relaxing day, I couldn't resist slipping another letter into Jimin's locker. 

The notes seemed to bring him some comfort, and I hoped this one would be just as encouraging as the others. 

I'd started to enjoy the little routine of writing them.

After that, I bundled up in my warmest coat and scarf and ventured outside into the crisp air. 

The snow had mostly melted, leaving patches of ice here and there, and the chill was still present but not as biting as it had been. February was just around the corner, and the promise of spring felt close.

I wandered aimlessly, watching my breath form little clouds in the air. It was peaceful, the kind of quiet that makes you reflect on things you might not normally think about. 

My thoughts drifted back to Jimin and the way he'd looked when he helped me with the necklace. There was something about his presence that made me feel... warm inside.

I stopped by a small park on the edge of the campus, where a few people were enjoying the clear day. I sat on a bench, the cold seeping through my clothes but feeling oddly refreshing. 

I pulled out my phone and started scrolling through the photos from last night's outing with Clara and the others. They were fun, and I couldn't deny the joy I felt in those moments. But as I flipped through the pictures, my mind kept wandering back to Jimin.

I had to admit, I found myself thinking about him a lot lately. 

There was something undeniably intriguing about him, and I couldn't quite put my finger on it.

His quiet nature, the way he seemed to observe everything with a thoughtful intensity, and the way he'd helped me with the necklace all made me feel like there was more to him than met the eye.

My phone buzzed, and I glanced at it to find a message from Clara.

Clara: Hey! What are you up to today?

Me: Just wandering around campus, enjoying the weather.

Clara: Nice! Wanna hang out later? Maybe catch a movie or something?

Me: Sure, sounds good! What time?

Clara: How about 6 PM? We can grab dinner after.

Me: Perfect. See you then!

I smiled, typing back a quick confirmation. It would be nice to spend some time with friends and take my mind off things.

As I stood up to leave the park, I took one last look at the serene setting and thought about how much things seemed to be changing.  

With a deep breath of the crisp air, I turned and headed toward the park's exit when I saw Jimin sitting on a bench, drawing something. He looked so focused, his brow furrowed in concentration as his pencil moved swiftly across the page.

Curiosity got the better of me, and I slowly approached him. "Hey, Jimin," I said softly, not wanting to startle him.

He looked up, surprised but then smiled warmly. "Oh, hey, Y/N. What brings you here?"

"Just enjoying the weather," I replied, sitting down next to him. "What are you drawing?"

He hesitated for a moment before showing me the sketch. It was a beautiful landscape of the park, detailed and intricate. "Wow, Jimin, this is amazing," I said, genuinely impressed.

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