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Ho Yeon hasn't stopped smiling ever since you agreed to go that date. And you're glad that she's happy now. But the thing you're not glad about is the fan date thing.

It intimidates you. Sure, going on a fan date with Park Chan Yeol or Kim Tae Hyung would've been fun, because for a fact, you knew these guys, you had been an active fan. 

But this new group, Choi Soobin, leader of Txt, tallest member of Txt, you really don't know anything about them.


Your Sunday mornings begin at 11 am where you peacefully drink coffee while scrolling office-sucks reels on instagram. You have a long warm bath and you peacefully watch movies while eating. That's your perfect Sunday. 

But this Sunday? This Sunday, you're listening to Txt songs, learning about Choi Soobin and the other 4 members, deciding what to wear, what to say and what to do. Your Sunday really had to end this way Fuck!


The next morning, you wake up and do your everyday chores and successfully make it to office before 10.

"So, how was your Sunday?" Yoo Jin asks sipping onto his coffee as you're both having your time off after lunch.

"Don't even make me start on it." You squeal in an annoyed tone.

"That only makes me a lot more curious to know." He scooches closer to hear you.

"Well, Ho Yeon, she signed me up to go a date with her favorite kpop idol, Choi Soobin." You complete and Yoo Jin looks at you with disbelief.

"Who's that?" He asks. Born and raised up in the States, all Yoo Jin knows about is Taylor Swift and Justin Bieber and the countless USA singers. Just like you, he too is unaware of kpop world, even less than you. He hardly knows BTS.

"Well, some guy from TxT." You inform gleefully. You take your phone to show him some pictures of Soobin.

"He's hot, you should go." Yoo Jin coolly informs.

"As if I have a choice." You add sarcastically.

"But honestly. he's hot. If I was you. I'd go!" He explained, still swiping through his photos.

"Yea he is hot! But its just that its fan date and I'm not a fan. Moreover, I don't even know about him so I'm afraid I'll make a fool outta myself in front of him." You let out your heart to him and he nods slowly, as if he gets you completly.

"Its alright! I'm sure he won't even give a fuck about it." Yoo Jin adds, trying to motivate you.

"Really?" You look at him with reassuring eyes.

"Ofcourse! These celebrites do these kinds of stuff solely because they're asked to. All they'll do is wait for the date to end. So chill girlie, you got this!" His words calm you from within. They make so much sense. 

You really got this.


The date tomorrow night so you gotta be ready. While you're home, Ho Yeon creates a checklist slash a cheat sheet for you for the date.

"His name?" She asks.

"Choi Soobin." You answer.

"His age?"

"23." You reply confidently because he's your age.

"His height?"

"185 cm." 

"Your favorite song?"

"Deja Vu."

The questions don't end but you're glad that you atleast know the basic ones. Its gonna be fine.

You got this.


Date Night

You get ready in a red bodycon date combined with nude pencil heels, a silver bracelet in your right hand and hoop earrings, your hair open falling on your back. You look good, atleast to you but maybe not enough beautiful for a kpop idol.

"You look amazing!" Ho Yeon complimented you with cheerful eyes.

"Thanks." You cup her cheeks.

You're scared, nervous but Yoo Jin's words give you confidence. Its just a few hours and you're done. This ends and next time, you're not gonna let Ho Yeon act out on her own.

You got this!

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