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"What are you doing tonight?" Jamie asked as he was laying in the expensive bed.

I thought this hotel would be checking the credit card way sooner, but I guess they had no reason to doubt me.

They had every reason to doubt me.

"I have a date" I mumbled as I was applying some eyeliner.

"Really? Can't you skip that?" He groaned. "I have to work in the club and it would be fun if you could come"

Jamie just started working in a popular club in Monaco. I've been there a few times, the drinks were way too expensive and the music too loud.

But it was a fun club, even though I didn't really get why Jamie started working there.

Guess he wanted to grow closer to that girl bartender.

Don't think he has a chance with her though.

I chuckled as I rolled my eyes. "Do you want to impress your fellow bartenders?"

"Jordan quite fancies you" he smirked.

"Yeah, not really interested in him" I said as I scrunched my nose.

"Why not? Does he not have enough money?" He laughed, put his arm under his head as he looked at me.

"Oh Jamie" I chuckled. "You should know I don't need a man for that"

Even though I had no money, I was living the best life possible.

"No? So what's that date about then?"

"That's just for fun" I shrugged.

"You don't date for fun" he frowned. "Yeah well, I do now" I grumbled as I laid down next to him.

"I do need a new watch though" I smirked, looked at him with my best puppy eyes. We've been planning this for ages, but I knew he wasn't a big fan of it.

"I thought you didn't need a man?" He chuckled. "Yeah maybe I do for this one thing then" I rolled my eyes.

"It's too dangerous Xanthi, especially here in Monaco"

"Okay fair enough, then we will do it in another city?"

He sighed. "Sure"

"I only need you" I winked at him. Compliments got you a long way in this world.

"What about a quickie before you go on your fun date?" He raised his eyebrow as he looked at me.

We fucked a few times, only after we had a successful day of sneaking into events or stealing.

Guess we got horny after being on such a high.

"You're disgusting" I said as I pushed him away. "You're no fun" he laughed, looked at the time and got up.

"I am leaving, I have to get ready for my shift"

"It's only 5 pm?" I frowned. "I have to sleep a little before doing an all nighter"

"You're getting old" I laughed.

"Tell me about it" he waved as he left my room.

I fell back down on my bed, looked at the ceiling. I knew Jamie would want to stop our thing soon enough.

He was getting more serious.

But I didn't want a job, probably couldn't get a decent job either. I dropped out of school when I was 16.

My parents died when I was 2, so I was bouncing around a lot of different foster homes since then.

Until I was adopted, wish I never was though.

I ran away when I was 16. With nothing, except for my real mom's necklace.

I did what I did to survive, even though I wasn't proud of all of it.

The phone in my room shook me out of my thoughts. I quickly picked it up. "Miss Xanthi? Mr. Norris is here to pick you up"

"Okay thank you, I am coming down" I replied and hung up.

Guess Mr. Norris was actually serious about this after all. At first I thought he wanted a quick fuck, like most men, but I guess I was wrong.

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