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Before I walked in the backroom, I quickly called Max.

Who would put his phone on speaker, while being with Lando.

If Lando wasn't gonna believe this, then honestly nothing would.

Unfortunately for me, Chase was not much of a talker, he immediately wanted to go to business.

Wanted to kiss me straight away.

I put my hand on his chest, giggled a little. "I wanna pleasure you first"

"Oh damn" he mumbled. "Go ahead"

I kneeled down, while he was already pulling his pants down.

Let me tell you, it was not a nice sight at all.

"So tell me Chase" I said as I let my hands brush down his chest, pulled my knife out of the hem of my panties where I put it before.

A bit too fast because I cut my leg in the process but I wasn't gonna be bothered about that right now.

"Why are you working with Francesca?" I said as I put the knife next to his balls.

He immediately looked down. "Are you fucking insane?" He wanted to move, but decided against it.

Smart, because one wrong move would cut his balls off.

"Answer the question" I said calmly.

"I am not working with her"

I snorted, put the knife a little closer. "I don't like liars, Chase"

"I swear, she's working alone" he said nervously. "We fucked a few times, Jordan caught us then she ran away"

"After you beat up Jordan..."

"Yeah, he wanted to tell Lando. Francesca told me to scare him a little" he shrugged. "Please put that knife away"

I got up, still holding the knife next to his little dick. "What does she want?"

"At first nothing, she was just afraid that Jordan would tell Lando, so she ran away" he explained. "But then she had to live without Lando, without tons of money and she missed the lifestyle"

"So she came back, seduced him so he would marry her?"

He nodded. "She doesn't like him though, not anymore, maybe she did before, she definitely did before but she always thinks he will eventually get bored of her and cheat on her"

"Why did she lie about being abused and assaulted?"

"Because she wanted Jordan to be the bad guy" he said. "Would you believe someone who abused and assaulted someone?"

I shook my head. "No"

Jordan wanted to tell Lando, so that's why she asked Savannah to flirt with him, let him make a mistake as well.

But unfortunately for her, he didn't. He stayed completely loyal to her.

So she had to find another way, make Savannah slap her, so she could blame Jordan. Play the victim a little.

Lando would see that, feel bad for her and would obviously want to protect her.

Which he did.

But then she also had to come up with a lie about what happened that night because Charles saw her run out of the club.

So Jordan was the easy victim again. Lando would easily believe that lie, he already thought he was an abuser.

And after Jess pushed her to do a DNA test, she switched the story to Chase.

She wasn't drugged, wasn't abused, wasn't assaulted.

She lied about it all, to get Lando's money.

Pretty insane if you ask me. He would give her all the money in the world if she just stayed herself.

But she did all of it, because she didn't trust him. Pretty sad.

She planned it out pretty good, thought about pretty much everything.

Except for one thing.


I took a step back. "Put your pants back on please" I said as I pointed at his pants. "And don't even try to tell Francesca about this."

She wasn't insane, she was just so fucking insecure.

He looked at me, immediately pulled his pants back up. He looked completely in shock, didn't say another thing.

I walked out of the backroom, patted Jordan's back as I gave him the knife back.

Poor Jordan. Everyone thought he was the bad guy for years.

He looked at me confused, but I was already walking out of the club, grabbed my phone out of my bra.

"You got all that?" I asked.

"Loud and clear" Max said. "I love you"

"I love you too"

Hopefully Lando would realize what he almost got into, but I was afraid he would only hear how insecure she was.

I was afraid he would want to show her even more how much he loves her, how he would always be loyal to her.

I was afraid he would throw the lifeline I gave him back to me.

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