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"How long are you gonna stay in that hotel?" Jamie asked as we were driving back to Monaco.

He had a couple of days off and we pretty much always did something during those days.

We already did some stealing like watches, clothes, nothing too big and nothing too expensive.

The police never followed up on a watch or two or a couple of dresses so we always got away with it.
But it also got boring after a while.

"I don't know" I shrugged. "I am good there"

"Yeah fair enough but they will be figuring it out soon enough" he looked at me quickly before looking back at the road.

"Maybe but I don't have money for an apartment"

"Because you don't work, find a job maybe?" He chuckled.

"Or I can stay with you?" I looked at him with my best smile. Normally it worked on guys, but Jamie was immune to it.

"You can" he smiled. "If you find a job"

My smile instantly disappeared.

I hated it but he was right. I had to find a job because I couldn't stay in that hotel for too long.

I finally had to get my life in place.

Jamie dropped me off at my hotel a couple of hours later. "Thanks Jamie, I had fun"

"Me too, but please, think about what we've talked about" he said as he kissed my cheek.

"Yeah yeah I will" I grabbed my bags and got out of his car.

Enzo instantly smiled as he saw me. "Done some shopping again?"

"Yup" I smiled.

"Lando has been here for two days in a row" he smiled.

I've been gone for two days with Jamie and I guess Lando had been looking for me.
But why? It didn't seem as if he was interested in me at all.

Which was okay, I was fine with that. We only went on one date, he owed me nothing.

"Oh yeah, I was away" I shrugged. "I know, I told him you were gone"

I chuckled. "Thanks Enzo"

I walked inside, back to my room and showered. Took my makeup off, put my hair in a high ponytail.

I grabbed my laptop and sat down on the bed. I desperately needed to find a job. I never expected that I would be looking for one.

I told myself that I would never work for a boss, guess I was wrong.

And just when I saw a few interesting jobs, the phone in my room started ringing again.

"Yeah hello?" I said as I picked the phone up. "Mr. Norris is here in the reception"

I sighed, this man desperately wanted to see me.

"Yeah let him come up then" I answered. "Okay we will let him through"

"Thanks" I said as I hung up.

And not much later, he knocked on my door. I got up, opened the door and smiled. "Mr. Norris"

"Miss Xanthi" he nodded with a smile. "Can I come in?"

"Make yourself at home" I said as I took a step back and let him in.

"Looking for a job?" He asked as he pointed at my laptop. I quickly closed it and shrugged. "Just scrolling through it"

"You aren't rich, are you?"

"Never said I was" I shrugged. "But no, I'm not"

"Do you need money?" He asked, probably already knew the answer to that.

"Who doesn't?" I tried to play it cool, but yeah I desperately needed money.

"Okay" he nodded, walked around the room before turning back to me. "I have a proposition for you"

I raised my eyebrow, tilted my head a little.

"Let's hear it"

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