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"So because she said she didn't use him, you immediately believe her?" Jess frowned as she looked at me. "I thought you were smarter than that, Xan"

"How exactly did she use him, Jess?" I asked.

She shrugged her shoulders, walked around the balcony and looked back at me. "There is something we are missing"

"I don't think there is" I said as I sat down on one of the chairs.

She was desperately trying to find a reason why Francesca was using Lando. But why?

Weren't they supposed to be best friends?

"Something is not adding up" she mumbled. "If she was drugged, then where was Savannah in all of this?"

I sighed. "She was probably looking for a guy to stalk or something"

"Savannah is a lot of things, but she only had eyes for Lando and he wasn't there that night."

"I don't know Jess" I mumbled as I looked inside. Max and Jamie were sitting on the couch, playing some video game.

And honestly, I wish I was sitting with them right now.

It's been a week now since that night at Lando's apartment and Jess has been texting me non stop, she didn't believe Francesca. Not at all.

But for some reason, I did.

Max and I met up with Lando and Francesca a few times now. Went on double dates, I told her the story how I met Lando and she told me her story.

She was actually pretty nice, we just kinda clicked.

"Besides" Jess said as she sat down next to me. "She's a bartender, how can she not see that her drink was spiked?"

"I don't know, maybe she didn't look at her drink?"

Jess chuckled. "We are bartenders, we always look at our drinks"

"Yeah well, I'm not a bartender so I wouldn't know" I said as I got up.

I was ready to go, I wanted to spend time with Jamie before I would go back to Italy but this is not what I expected.

I walked back in Jamie's apartment and nodded at Max. "Don't you have to get ready to go to Lando?"

"Uh-I- yes I do" he said. He didn't need to get ready but he knew I wanted to go.

"Are you leaving already?" Jamie asked. I nodded. "Yeah Max is gonna golf with Lando"

"So you can stay?" Jess said as she walked in after me. "I-I am actually going with them" I shrugged.

"With Francesca?" Jess chuckled, rolled her eyes and put her thumbs up. "Have fun"

Max looked at me as we were standing in the elevator together. "What was that about?"

"She seems to hate Francesca" I shook my head. I just didn't get it. "Weren't they best friends?"

"Yes I thought they were" he shrugged, pulled me closer to his body and put his hand on my cheek. "Stay out of it okay?"

"I swear, I am not getting involved anymore" I smiled.

"Promise?" He asked. "Promise" I mumbled as I pressed my lips against his.


Francesca and I were sitting in a golf cart while Max and Lando played golf.

We were sitting in separate golf carts but Lando and Max always parked close enough so Francesca and I could talk while they were playing.

"Where is Elena?" I asked. "Lando's parents flew over so they're watching her" Francesca said.

"Trust me" she said as she got up from her golf cart and sat down next to me. "Lando and I needed to get some private time"

"Oh I bet you do" I chuckled. "So you and him are good?"

"Oh, you have no idea" she laughed as she looked at me. "Soooo good"

And I wanted to ask if she was ready to go to the police and file a complaint against Chase, but Max told me not to get involved, so that's what I did.

I wasn't gonna get involved.

Lando and Max returned, put their golf clubs in the back of the cart.

"Baby?" Lando tilted his head as he sat down on his cart and looked at Francesca. "You coming?"

"Yes" she smiled enthusiastically, got up and sat down next to him. Max took her place and sat down next to me. "You good?" He asked.

I nodded. "Yeah perfect"

Lando and Francesca looked happy with each other. I was happy with Max. So I was just gonna ignore whatever Jess said.

I wasn't gonna get involved.

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