Chapter 9

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I slip on my black dress with my black heels. I put on red lipstick and no mascara. I grab my wristlet. One tear threatens to spill out of my eye. I wipe it away.

"Cameron, you ready to go?" I say, with a crack in my voice.

He doesn't reply, he just makes his way into the car. I follow belong him and start the car, driving to the funeral home.

Cameron hasn't said much since his mother's passing. It is Wednesday and Gina Dallas passed away, at 2:28 am on a Friday. Cameron came back that one day and bonded with his mother. He never left the hospital and we were with her on her passing. She will forever be in our hearts.

I grab Cameron's hand but he swiped my hand away. Okay then. I make my way slowly back onto the steering wheel.

"Sorry." He says, quietly and muttering.

I roll my eyes. Here we go again, he lets out all the anger he's building up inside him and pours it out on me.

I pull out to the side of the road for a second. I break easily.. I start to let out tears, built up in side me. Cameron sees me but doesn't do anything.

"Rachel, we're going to be late." He says to me.

Wow, thanks.

I start the cry wiping my tears. Cameron hasn't cried. I know he wants to. He just hasn't. So instead, he decided he would show no emotion what so ever. What happened to the boy who cried and was afraid of losing me? Where was he? No where.

We pull up to the funeral home and see people outside of the building. I stuck with Cameron as some people came up to him, saying sorry for his loss. He would reply with a 'thank you' and move on..

I go over to Gina's sister and hug her.

"Gina was a wonderful woman." She says.

"She didn't deserve to die!" Cameron says, walking into the reception.

"I'm sorry." I say to her.

"It was her time to go.." Crystal, Gina's sister says.

"Are you two a thing?" Crystal asks, talking about Cameron and I.

"Yeah... We've been together for a week and 4 days." I say, trying to smile, but fail.

"Are you not happy with him?" She asks, sadly.

"No, I am happy. It's just he's building up this wall and he won't let me in or break it down. He's barely spoken to me and I don't know what to do." I say, softly.

She pulls me into another hug.

"Oh honey, you got to give him more time. He does love you, Rachel. He never stops talking about you. A smile appears across his face when he even hears the word Rachel." Crystal says.

A smile appears across my face. We go for a minute of silence.

"Any college offers yet?" She asks me.

"No." I say, doubtfully. "I don't think I'll get into any."

"What did you apply for?" She asks.

"Baylor, Oregon, Michigan, and Florida." I say.

"You graduate in a couple of months, right?" She asks.

I nod.

"I would give it time, Rachel. Any softball team would be lucky to have you. Those are great schools. You deserve the best." She says.

"Thank you." I say, whispering.

"Let's go, I think they are about to start." She says, taking a deep breath.

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