Chapter 23

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I was tossing and turning. The thought of the love of the life is in my apartment, I can't sleep. I got out of the bed and walked out. I see Cameron crying, pacing around the room with his hand in his hair, and my journal on the ground. Oh no, what did he read. He sees me and I pick up my journal slowly. It was to the part where I said 'I think I might kill myself'.

"Cameron." I say. "Look at me."

He doesn't answer. He just paces more in the room.

"Look at me." I say, sternly.

He does. "Tell me. Were you actually gonna do it?"

"No." I say, honestly.

No, I wasn't gonna do it. But, I thought about it. But, that doesn't mean I was gonna do it.

"Then why is it in your journal!!" He says.

"I thought about it! Okay?? But, I wasn't gonna do it when I have a life here down on earth!" I say.

"The thought of you doing that, I can't control anything I do." He says.

I wrap him in a hug. "I'm not gonna do it and I wasn't planning on doing it either."

His arms snake around my waist with my head on his chest. He rocked me back and forth.

"I don't know what I would do without you." He says, whispering.

"I'm here and I'm not going anywhere." I say.

We were in silence for awhile. It was 2 in the morning and we are standing in the middle of the front room, holding each other in our arms. I've missed this.

"Let me take you on a date tomorrow." Cameron says. "Just as friends."

"Okay." I say, smiling.

"I won't let you down." He says.

"You usually never do." I say, whispering.

"I let down being your boyfriend." He says.

"That's not true. Stop saying that." I say.

We stood there for a few more minutes. Till I finally untangled myself from his arms and walked to the kitchen. I pulled out a tub of ice cream and 2 spoons. I hand him one spoon and open the container of the ice cream. I turn on the tv and turned on spongebob.

We start eating in complete silence. With a few laughs from the tv every now and then. As soon finish our ice cream and I put the stuff in the sink.

"So, tell me. Where are we going for our date as friends?" I say.

"Secrets." He says.

"I don't like you." I say, joking.

"You love me." He says.

"I don't think so." I say.

"Yeah, okay." He says. "Remember, at the park? First time meeting each other?"

"How could I forget?" I say.

- flashback -

-first time meeting each other and first time becoming friends. Age- 6 years old.-

I was running around the park. Like my little kid self. Till I ran into this boy. We hit heads.

"Owww!!" I say, putting my hand on my head.

I look up and see a boy with brown hair and brown eyes.

"I'm sorry!" He says, rubbing his hand on his head.

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