Writer: Alphanorv
Genre: Romance
Rate: Adult Romance (21+)
Language-used: Indonesian
Characters: Will appear as the story goes
It's just a fictional story, there's no relation with the characters in their real life. This is an original story by Alphanorv. If there are similarities, it's pure coincidence. Since it's rated as an adult romance, please be a wise reader.
Copying this story is prohibited. Don't hesitate to make any suggestions. I hope y'all enjoy it.
Janevive Howell
Easton Lombardo
Chloe Laberge
Kalvin Yaeger
Miles Hughes
Nolan Willkinson
Blaire Jacques
Ivano Crawford
Other characters will be appear as the story goes
Romance"Kau yakin tidak mau mencoba wine ini?" tanya Easton. Wajahnya semakin mendekat ke wajah, sampai-sampai Jane bisa merasakan hangatnya hembusan nafas pria itu beserta aroma wine yang menguar. Easton menurunkan tatapannya ke arah bibir ranum milik Jan...