childhood snippets

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A:N This story includes themes involving mental health, body issues and eating disorders, please only read if you feel ready too, you are beautiful always x

Age six:

I grin brightly as I race after my new brother, he isn't technically my brother yet but I think he will be. He's the son of my dad's new girlfriend and he smiles a lot around her.

To help us bond, our parents signed up for boxing classes. I only agreed because my dad promised to get me an ice-cream cone on the way home.

My smile falls slightly when I see Lucas already talking to another boy, he was a lot taller than us. I shake my head with determination as I walk towards the pair.

"Hey!" I chirp, "I'm Scarlett, Lucas' new sister."

Lucas lets out a small sigh, "You're not my sister."

"But I will be." I sing as I rock myself back and forth on my heels, "What's your name?"

The new boy looks at me strangely, "Rocky."

I tilt my head, "That's a funny name, I've never heard of it before."

"Robert!" A woman's voice calls out.

Rocky's face flushes as he groans loudly and turns his head around, "What?"

The woman fronts as she bends down towards him, "I'm leaving now, your father and I won't see you again until next Tuesday."

His expression falters slightly, "Oh, okay. Bye then."

She sighs, "Don't look so sad, we're going to bring you back a big present."

"Yeah I know."

She squeezes his shoulders before leaving the boxing studio.

My eyebrows knit together, "I thought you said that you name was Rocky?"

"It is."

"But that lady just called you Robert."

"My name is Rocky."


I get harshly cut off, "It's Rocky."

I nod frantically as I flash him a nervous smile, "Sure, it's Rocky."


I sing to myself as I'm sprawled out on my stomach in the corner of the boxing studio with a colouring book and crayons in my hand. I decided quickly after the first session that boxing wasn't for me but my dad paid for six months up-front, so Jett the man in charge of the classes said I could just sit on the side and colour.

"She's singing to herself again." A voice behind me sniggers, I turn my head to see an two boys who looking down at me.

"Yeah she's weird."

I feel my bottom lip wobble, I shake my head as I feel tears threatening to fall down my face.

"Hey!" A voice cries out, making me jump slightly.

Lucas and Rocky walk towards the other two boys who are still teasing me under their breath.

"Did you just make my sister cry?" Lucas asks as he crosses his arms against his chest.

My heart swells dramatically at him calling me his sister.

"You're joking right? She can't be your sister, your really cool and she's a looney-bin."

Rocky takes a step forward, "You can't call girls mean names, even that one!"

Lucas nods in agreement, "Especially that one."

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