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A:N This story includes themes of mental health and eating disorders, please only read if you feel ready too, you are beautiful always x

I yawn loudly as I slowly enter the Martin/Spring household. I was helping Autumn babysit her little sister and her friend today, I would have agreed anyway but I was more than happy to have any sort of practice right now.

I stop in my tracks when I notice a young Harry James standing in-front of me, I refrain from gasping so I don't spook him.

"Harry?" I ask quietly, I wasn't even sure if he'd recognise me, I haven't seen him for over a year.

The last time I saw him was when Rocky brought him to our families Christmas Party. I played board games with him for hours until he announced that it was getting boring because he kept winning.

"I know you!" He says excitedly, "You're the lady having a baby with my brother."

I blink slowly, "What?"

"He showed me a picture of you when we had our special video call. He said that you were having a baby but he didn't tell me how it exactly happened."

My cheeks burn brightly as I clap my hands together, "Let's grab Winter and do some crafts."

I gingerly take his hand and lead him to where I can hear a small voice singing songs at the top of her voice.

The tiny blonde gasps when I enter the kitchen, "You've got a big belly now!"

Autumn gently nudges her little sister, "Winter."

Harry nods proudly, "My brothers baby is in there."

Winter tilts her head with furrowed brows, "A baby is in your belly?"

I nod slowly, "It is."

"How does that work? How does the baby get into your belly?"

I look around anxiously, "Where is all of your craft stuff? Let's get painting some pretty pictures."


Harry stares at me for a few minutes as he pauses from his drawing, "Have we met before?"

I nod, "We have honey, lots of times. We played games together last Christmas."

"Oh you're the one who my brother thinks is super pretty which makes sense because you're having a baby."

I nearly drop my paint brush, "What?"

"Oh yeah. I told him that I was playing games with a lady upstairs, he asked if she had pink hair and if she was really pretty, I said yeah. And he said that you were Luke's sister. I love Luke, he teaches my boxing classes now. I'm going to grow up to be just like Rocky."

My heart flutters in more then one way as I process his words.

Winter nods in agreement, "Luke's really cool. He lets me play princess dress up with him."

Sammy huffs loudly from the end of the table, he came over unannounced an hour ago because he was bored, "You never say that I'm cool."

Winter rolls her eyes, "Because you're not, you always steal my colours."

"Just let it go!"

Harry tilts his head, "Are you going to the special show when my brother gets his shiny medal?"

My heart squeezes, "I am. Are you?"

"Yeah, my mom and dad aren't coming though. My grandpa is taking me."

"You're grandpa's coming?"

"Yeah, do you know him?"

I smile fondly, "I do. He's a very kind man."

"He's the best! He always reads stories to me, like Rocky does. Well, when he's home anyway. I haven't seen him for a while, I miss him a lot."

I frown, "I know, I miss him too."

"But said he'll be home lots when you've had the baby, so that's cool."

"You can come and stay with us if you want? When the baby is here."

Harry's face lights up dramatically, "Really?"

"If you want too, of course."

"Can we have pizza?"

I laugh softly, "If you want pizza, sure."

"Sweet! Count me in."


I turn to face Sammy as he dramatically collapses besides me on the sofa.

"I am beat, kids are tough."

Autumn scoffs, "All you did was paint and argue with them."


"I thought it was pretty fun." I comment as I lazily rub a hand over my bump.

"That's because they actually liked you."

I raise an eyebrow, "That's because I didn't steal their art supplies."

"They're the ones who were hogging everything."

"They're like seven."

"Therefore, they should know not to hog everything."

Autumn snorts, "You're so dramatic."

"I am not!"

"Totally are. Plus you're arguing again."

He waves his hands in the air, "I can't win with you people."

"Shut up and pass the popcorn." Autumn mutters as she puts on a movie.

I look at her warily, "This isn't scary right? I'm already struggling to sleep as it is."

"It's a cartoon, it's not going to be scary."

I shrug, "They said that about Coraline and I couldn't sleep for weeks."

Sammy nods in agreement, "It was a pretty creepy movie."

Autumn scoffs, "You two are a pair of wusses."

"I am a wuss." I admit, "I'd love to deny it but I can't argue with facts."

Sammy shakes his head firmly, "Well, I'd love to deny it."

"Of course you would, you'd argue with a brick wall."

"Only if the brick wall gave me attitude."

"The only person giving any attitude here is you Samuel."

"Oh wow, you first named me Autumn, you first named me. That shit hurts."

She shovels more popcorn into her mouth, "I'm glad."

"I'm questioning our friendship."

"That makes me even more glad."

I laugh at their interaction as I feel my spirits lighten massively, I adored sharing these moments with them. It made me so sure that my baby was going to constantly be surrounded by love and laughter.

"I don't know why you're laughing preggo. I'm questioning our friendship too, I'm still waiting for you to come to my defence."

I ruffle his hair with a sweet smile, "Keep waiting honey."

"Your words are harsh but your tone is sweet, it baffles me greatly. Also, are we not going to talk about the fact that Rocky is calling you pretty to his brother?"

Butterflies reappear in my stomach, "We don't even know if he said that for sure. Kids say crazy stuff all the time."

Autumn nods, "That's true but living with one also teaches you that their brutally honest, so there could be truth to what he's saying."

Summer Nights (RE-WRITTEN)Where stories live. Discover now