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A:N This story includes themes of mental health and eating disorders, please only read if you feel ready too, you are beautiful always x

My head pounds violently as I'm awaken from my deep slumber, I groan as I reach my hand out to grab my phone from my beside table. My eyebrows knit together when I see that my wallpaper has changed.

I squint as I examine the picture, it was a picture of Rocky and I wearing flower-crowns looking utterly drunk. When the fuck did we get flower-crowns?

I gasp loudly when I hear loud snores coming from the opposite end of the bed, my heart thumps erratically as I kneel up slightly to see Rocky hanging off the edge of the bed.

Oh my fucking god.

Oh my holy fucking god.

I squeak when I lift up the covers to discover that we're both naked. What fucking happening last night?

My entire body flushes dramatically as I grab one of the pillows next to me and throw it harshly at his sleeping figure.

Rocky makes a choking sound before bolting up right, he looks around frantically, he screams loudly when he notices me.

"Shit." He mutters "Oh shit."


"How the fuck did this happen?!" He exclaims as he stands up, I quickly shield my eyes from his nudity.

"I don't know! I can't remember anything after the third bottle of wine."

"This is so fucking bad."

I can't help but feel slightly hurt at his admission of how awful he finds the thought of sharing intimacy with me.

"It's okay, we can just pretend that this never happened."

"There's no can about it, we are going to pretend that this never happened."

And the hurt intensifies even further.

He hurriedly puts his jeans on that were previously led on the floor, "We can't tell anyone. Luke will fucking murder me, if he finds out."

I mock zipping my lips, "My lips are sealed, I promise."

"Please tell me that you've got some pain-relief in your suitcase or something, my head is fucking pounding."

I nod slowly, "I do. But I need you to leave the room so that I can get dressed."

"Oh god." He mutters as he quickly darts out of my bedroom.

I feel tears burn the corners of my eyes as I rip open my suitcase and grab a random ensemble of clothes and put them on.

This was not how I pictured this moment to be, I finally shared a moment with the boy I've been practically in love with for the past twelve years and he was horrified by it.

I shakily grab the packet of pain relief and hesitantly trudge into the living room, Rocky was sat on the sofa bent over with his head buried into his hands.

"Here you go." I say softly as I place them on the coffee table, I move over and sit on the arm chair next to him.

"I realise that I may have come across as a bit of dick then, it's just your my best friends little sister."

"I know, it's fine but just for the record I'm only younger by a couple of weeks."

"It's still the same principle, it should have never happened."


If I can get through the rest of the day without crying then I'd consider it to my a triumph.

Rocky runs his fingers through his hair, "I need to go and get a haircut. I'll be back later to get the rest of my things."

I sit up, "I thought your flight wasn't until tomorrow?"

"It isn't but I think it's for the best if I get a hotel room tonight."

I shake my head, "Rocky, don't be silly. This is your family's apartment and there's a spare bedroom, don't waste your money. When you come back from your haircut, everything is going to go back to how it was."

I nearly cringe at how I'm practically pleading with him.

He stares at me for a few moments before nodding reluctantly, "Okay."


My head snaps up from my sprawled position on the sofa, even though I couldn't understand a word of what anyone is saying, this show was addictive. I've been binge watching it for the past two hours.

Rocky awkwardly enters my line of vision, my breath hitches when I see how unfairly handsome he looks with his new buzzcut.



Usually I'd pay him a massive compliment about his new look but I didn't want to make things anymore uncomfortable then what they already are.

"You ate dinner?"

I freeze at the mention of his words as I feel a great surge of disappointment towards myself, I had been doing so much better with reminding myself to eat, of making the right choices but today everything just felt so wobbly that I forgot.


Rocky's expression shifts, "I'll order us something."

I quickly sit up, "It's fine, you don't need to do that!"

"You're eating something. Just continue watching, whatever your watching and I'll sort it."

I open my mouth before closing it again because honestly I just felt more confused as more time passes.

"It's a really good show by the way, I'm hooked."

Rocky sighs loudly as he sits down on the arm chair, "What's it about?"

My cheeks flush brightly, "I honestly have no idea, I want to guess that the sister is having an affair with the man who just got put into a coma."

His eyebrows knit together, "You're hooked but you don't know what's going on?"

"Yeah, I'm hoping this show will teach me some French."

"I can't sit and watch something I don't understand, I can barely pay attention to tv shows I can understand."

I quickly reach for the remote, "I'll change it."

"No it's fine, you got a stupid goofy grin on yourself, I'll feel bad if you change it."

My heart flips dramatically at his words.

"How are you feeling about tomorrow?" I ask softly.

He stiffens dramatically, "Neutral. There's nothing much to say about it."

"I am here to talk with, I know it must be really scary."

"Like I said there's nothing much to talk about."


I get harshly cut off, "Just drop it...please."

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to push you."

"You didn't, I just don't want to talk about it, that's all."

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