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A:N This story includes themes of mental health and eating disorders, please only read if you feel ready too, you are beautiful always x

I muffle a sob with my hand when I notice a small note discarded on the kitchen island, informing me that Rocky had left. He just felt to fight in a literal war and I wasn't even given the chance to say goodbye.

My shoulders sag as I look around my empty apartment, it already felt more lonely being here.

I push my tears away and walk towards my suitcase, I really need to go shopping, I've been re wearing the same clothes for the past two days. The delivery company refused to help me on the whole wrong address dilemma, that was until Rocky snatched my phone out of my hand and barked at them.

The good news is that they listened to him, the bad news is that I'm still going to be without any of my stuff for a week. Luckily, I wasn't due to start my classes for another ten days.

I grab my sunglasses and sloppily place them on the top of my head before leaving my apartment. I glance around with excitement, the summer breeze greets me like an old friend.

I walk down the street of my apartment making mental notes of the different restaurants and bars close by. I frown slightly when I carry on walking for a further fifteen minutes and realise that I've still not seen anything resembling a supermarket.

My entire body freezes when I notice a familiar figure, Holly Carter. Autumn's ex-best friend and my former tormentor. I shift uncomfortably as she lowers her designer sunglasses and looks at me in despair.

"Scarlett Summers?"

I flash her a quick smile, "Hey Holly, I like your outfit your skirt is really pretty."

She snorts loudly, "Seriously? You're still on this good girl shit."


"News flash, Summers. No one here gives a shit if you're a nice person. What are you even doing here anyway?"

I feel my nerves bundle even tighter into my stomach, "Uh...I'm here for art school."

She laughs bitterly as she looks me up and down, "No fucking way. Slutty Scarlett actually grew some balls and move across the world."

Hurt washes over me like an ice-bath.

I swallow harshly trying to regain my poseur, "How come you are here? Are you travelling?"

"I'm studying over here as well but I'm studying an actual subject not something juvenile like art. I actually want to do something with my life."

I feel the weight of her words sit on my chest until it gets to the point where I feel almost suffocated.

"I really hope you get everything you want and you have a wonderful time studying over here."


I smile properly for the first time today when I see two of my favourite people appear on my phone-screen.

I wave happily, "How are my favourite couple?"

Autumn rolls her eyes, "We'd be better if your stupid brother didn't force me to run three miles."

Lucas scoffs loudly, "I didn't force you to do anything, I said that I was going for a run and you were that clingy you had to join me."

"Puh-lease, you practically begged me!"

"I did not!"

Watching their playful interaction with each other soothes my feelings of home sickness.

Autumn turns her attention back to me, "How are you anyway? How's Paris?"

The lump in my throat appears again, "It's beautiful! I can't wait for you guys to be able to visit me."

"Me too, It's always been on my bucket list to see the Eiffel tower."

"I've not had the chance to see it properly yet but when I do I'll make sure to send you pictures."

"How's the apartment? Rocky mentioned that you were a dumbass who got all of her stuffed shipped to the wrong Paris." Lucas speaks up.

I groan quietly, "I told him not to tell anyone."

"He would not stop laughing when he called me to share."

"He wouldn't stop laughing to my face either. But to answer your question, the apartment is beautiful! I can't believe Rocky's family own this place. Actually, I can I've seen their villa in Spain."

"Don't forget about the one in Bali, Thailand, Greece and Mexico."

Autumn gapes at us both, "Just how rich is this man?"

"Painfully, so."

"I need to work my friendship magic on him, so I can get a good Christmas present."

"Yeah, no. Rocky doesn't do gifts. He never has and never will."

Lucas curses as he checks his watch, "I'm really sorry Scar but I've got work. I'll catch up with you later, stay safe."

My heart squeezes tightly, "Don't be silly, it's fine. I'll see you later, I hope you have a good shift. Love you."

Autumn grimaces as she glances at me, "I also need to leave, I'm so sorry. I've got to catch my train, so I can go to my internship."

"Honestly, there's nothing to be sorry about! Your writing is far more than a facetime call."

"Well we both love you, make sure you send lots of pictures and your safe."

"Love you guys more!"

I wave slowly until the call disconnects and when it does, tears roll down my face. I pull my knees to my chest, I know I should be grateful that I'm experiencing something so excitement but it was hard.

It was hard not to have my support system with me.

I allow myself to cry until I feel any type of relief, when I've finally finished I change into my comfortable clothes and put my new found favourite tv show.

I shouldn't be so engrossed as I am considering that I still have no idea what they're saying. But I had to see how it ends and I also wanted to see if any of my theories were correct.

My mouth feels slightly dry, I walk towards the refrigerator and pull it open for the first time today. I can't help but feel shame towards myself for not forcing myself harder to remember how far I've come and how I deserve to fuel my body.

My eyes widen and my heart flips dramatically when I notice that my fridge is fully stocked with all of my favourite foods and even a case of diet coke. My eyebrows furrow together when I notice a note left on top of the case.

You deserve to eat. Good luck out there sunshine.

Tears prickle the corner of my eyes as I hug the note close to myself after I compose myself with shaky hands, I grab different food items and start to assemble a snack-plate. It wasn't perfect, but it was a start.

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