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A:N This story includes themes of mental health and eating disorders, please only read if you feel ready too, you are beautiful always x

I sing to myself happily as I sit on my usual spot on my balcony as I paint, I can't help but feel a deep twinge of pride for myself when I nibble on the grapes I put in a bowl next to me.

My happiness increases when I notice a familiar name pop up on my phone, I quickly answer it without any hesitation.

"Samuel!" I chirp out, my heart lights when I see his grinning face as he lays on a sun lounger.

"Scar! I feel like I've not seen your face in so long."

"I know! It's been like eight days!"

"I don't think I ever want to go this long again, I'm sorry the signal over here is shit."

I take a deep breath, "There's actually something I want to tell you."

"Wait, Scar. There's a very handsome man standing behind you."

I turn my head to see Rocky standing there, he rolls his chocolate orbs warmly.

"Hey Sam."

"Hi man, I didn't know you two were still staying together. I feel like I've missed a million chapters."

I force out a laugh, "I think it's more like a million and two chapters."

He gasps dramatically, I laugh as I see his feet kicking in the background, "No way. Are you two dating? Because I'll be completely honest guys, I've been rooting for this."

My entire body flushes dramatically, "Uh no. But we do have news to share...we're having a baby."

I almost think I've lost him when I don't see him move for several minutes.


He blinks, "Sorry, I just needed a moment there. Is this some sort of prank?"

"No, I promise you faithfully. It's still really early but I couldn't not tell you."

"Holy fuck! Congratulations guys, I'm still really confused but I'm super happy, if you guys are! Can I be godfather? Better yet can you name the baby after me?"

Rocky rolls his eyes once more, "Potentially and fuck no, I will not name my child after you."

"No fair." Sammy whines loudly, "You guys have known me forever, I deserve baby name rights. Plus Sammy can be gender neutral, so it's a win, win."

I look at Rocky with a sheepish smile, "I mean, it wouldn't hurt to think about it has a middle name."

He groans loudly, "Seriously?"

Sammy claps his hands together, "Yes, I knew I could get you on my side Scar. Do you have a picture of the baby by the way?"

I laugh thankfully, "No, not yet. We've got our scan in four days. I'll make sure to send one over."

His grin widens even further, "I'm so excited to be an Uncle. But I'm going to be a cool one not like Luke, I'll take them to theme parks and I'll get them alcohol to take to parties."

Rocky raises an eyebrow, "You're going to buy alcohol for my child?"

"Not yet, I'll wait a few years."

I felt like I needed to pinch myself from the sheer amount of euphoria I was feeling right now. I know I had a painfully long road ahead of me but these conversations, kept me going. It made think of a future where everything works out.


I huff loudly as I heave dramatically over the toilet, I was still yet to experience morning sickness until today. I was lying in bed just scrolling on my phone and suddenly it hit me like a truck.

I nearly jump out of my skin when I hear a grunt behind me, I shift myself slightly to see Rocky slowly lower himself onto the floor using his crutches.

"You need to rest." I grit out, "Your body needs to recover."

"True but I'm also not a complete dick, who is just going to leave you throwing up by yourself."


I get harshly cut off, "No buts, I can't help with any of the physical shit but I can sit with you while you're going through it."

Despite his tough tone, I appreciate the wonderful sentiment behind his words.

"If you liked hugs, I would hug you so hard right now."

"Please don't hug me. You're right I hate hugs and you fucking stink of sick."

My cheeks burn brightly, "I'm so sorry."

"Not your fault but I'm not a fan of the smell."

"I don't think anyone is." I groan out before I launch forward and continue to empty the contents of my stomach.

I startle the tiniest amount when I feel a large hand rubbing lazily circles on my back, my heart flips dramatically.

"Oh god. I really hope babies sick doesn't smell this bad."

"Can we please stop talking about the smell?" I cry out, "It's making me feel even more sick."

"Shit, sorry."

"It's okay, you didn't know." I whimper as I feel hot tears rolling down my cheeks.

Rocky's hand freezes, "Are you crying?"

I nod sadly, "I'm sorry, I don't know why I just feel so emotional and I feel overwhelmed right now."

"Hey." He whispers, his tone softer then ever, "It's okay, you're probably just having them mood swing things."

I let out a watery laugh, "Mood swing things?"

"I don't know, you see the women have them in movies and shit."

"I don't want to cry or be sick anymore, I just want to sleep." I murmur as I rest my face against the lid of the toilet seat, I provides a cooling effect on my flushed cheeks.

"Come on, let's get you to bed." He says softly, "I can't help much because I can barely carry myself but I'll watch you get to bed."

Another laugh leaves my lips as I nod slowly, "Okay. You're being awfully nice to me lately."

"I know, I need to get back to my original roots."

"No, don't. I really like it when you're nice to me." I comment, "It reminds me that you don't hate me."

"I've never hated you."

"I hope so. It would really suck if you did."

"Well, I don't. So knock off them thoughts right now, you hear me Summers?"

"Loud and clear James."

"Also I read online that pregnant women need to take vitamins or something, so we're going to have to grab some."

I blink in surprise, "You've been researching?"

"Don't look so surprised. I'm just making sure, I don't follow in my shitty dads footsteps."

"You won't." I state truthfully, "You couldn't be further from him."

"You've only met him once, you can't say that for sure."

"True but I've met you, I've met plenty of versions of you to know, you'll be the father he could never be."

Rocky's expression softens entirely before he quickly recovers, "Alright, time for bed. You're getting soppy."

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