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A:N This story includes themes of mental health and eating disorders, please only read if you feel ready too, you are beautiful always x

I cradle Violet close to my chest, we've been asked to stay in the hospital for a few more days, so we can be checked over. I'm completely and utterly besotted by her.

"I don't want to put her down." I whisper as I turn to Rocky, "I don't want to miss a second of this."

"I could just stare at her forever."

"Pretty good coming home gift, am I right?"

His face splits into a grin that melts me entirely, "Best gift, I've ever been given."

I rock the tiny person in my hands, "I'm extremely grateful that you are home right now but I'm still a little lost."

"I was given some extra leave for the ceremony, so I decided to surprise you."

"I think I ended up being the one who surprised you."

"Yeah, you did. Usually not a fan of surprises but I'm a fan of this one."

"Good because there wasn't a return receipt."

"We need a middle name."

I look hopefully at him, "Do you have any in mind?"

"I've got two actually."

I look at him with surprise, "You've got two? Do you want to use both?"

He rubs the back of his neck, "If you don't mind."

"Tell me them."

"Violet Brooke Sammy-"

I quickly cut him off, "James. Violet Brooke Sammy James."

Emotion covers his eyes again, "You want her to be a James?"

I nod tearfully, "I really do."

"Sammy is going to lose his shit."

A watery laugh leaves my lips, "He really is."

"I know he really supported you throughout the pregnancy, he even flew to Paris for you."

I find an ounce of courage to say what I'm about to say next, "I mean it helped you paying."

He freezes, "How do you know about that?"

I wince, "He told me but please don't be mad him."

"He's lucky, I've just been given the cutest baby on the planet right now."

I lift my head when I hear a small knock before Brooke comes into the room with a soft smile.

"The others are outside but they're being pretty strict on visitors right now, I hope you don't mind me coming."

I shake my head, "Not at all, do you want to hold her?"

Her eyes well up, "Do you mind?"

"She's your granddaughter." I say softly, "Of course not."

"What's her name?" Brooke coos as she gently takes her granddaughter into her arms.

Rocky and I share a look, "Violet Brooke Sammy James."

A strangled sob leaves her lips, "You named her after me?"

"We did. I can't take any of the credit though, it was Rocky's idea."

Rocky nods, "I wanted her to be named after the only parent figure, I've ever had."

Brooke sobs quietly as she wraps one arm around the tall man standing beside me, "I love all three of you, endlessly."

"And we love you." I comment truthfully.

"But I'll be honest, I'm not quite sure that I want to give her back, I may just sneak her into my bag."

"Brooke, I won't hesitate to rugby tackle you."

She laughs softly as she strokes Violet's face, "Your daddy is so silly."


I perk up when I see Sammy race into my hospital room holding an obscene amount of pink balloon, Lucas and Autumn trailing closely behind him.

"I want to see the baby!" He whisper shouts, "I've washed my hands fifteen times, I'm sterile!"

I laugh at his enthusiasm, "Please sit before you hold her, I've seen you drop so many things."

Lucas blinks as his expression changes, "Her? You've got a daughter."

Rocky nods as he gently cradles her, "You've got yourself a niece."

Autumn holds a hand to her chest as she peers over at the tiny baby, "She's so beautiful. What's her full name?"

Rocky rolls his eyes, "I was dreading this part. Violet Brooke Sammy James."

Sammy gasps before a strangled sound leaves his lips, "D-Did you just say Sammy?"

I nod happily as Rocky gently passes our baby to my best friend, "Yes. You got your wish."

He sniffles loudly, "I feel so honoured. I know I can't act like a dick but this really means a lot. I will protect her with my life."

"We know you will."

"I'm in love guys." He whispers lowly, "She's awesome."

Rocky laughs, "I'll remind you of that when we ask you to change a shitty diaper."

"At this moment in time, I'm happy to do it."

Autumn squeezes my hand as she walks closer, "How are you mom?"

"I'm tired." I admit, "Extremely emotional."

Rocky rubs my shoulders, "Which the doctor said was completely normal, you've just been through an awful lot."

Lucas wraps forward before wrapping his arms around me and placing a kiss to the top of my head, "So proud of you."

"Thank you and thank you all for staying, it really means a lot." I croak out, "Oh shit, I'm crying again. What if I never stop? What if I just constantly cry forever?"

Rocky rolls his eyes before rubbing my shoulders again, "You're fine. You just need some rest."


My eyelids flicker when I hear low hushed singing, I peer one eye open to see Rocky walking up and down the room soothingly singing to Violet. My heart bursts entirely.

Each moment that I get to share with her, I think I fall even more and more in love.

"Nice voice." I tease with a bright grin.

He pauses as he looks up with a hard expression, "You tell no one."

"Why? It's really sweet."


I roll my eyes softly, "Is she okay?"

He nods slowly as the two of them gently sit down besides me, "She's perfect. How are you?"

"Perfect." I murmur in awe, as I steal another glance at my daughter.


"Yeah. How could I not be right now?"

"Thank you for protecting her all these months. You're already the best mom, I know."

I cover my mouth as another sob forces itself out, "You're the sweetest."


Rocky shuffles nervously, "There's actually another reason why I came to see you first, I think being away and having all that time together before I left, got me thinking and I-"

He gets harshly cut off by the doctor coming into the room to examine both Violet and I.

Rocky turns awkwardly, "I'm going to go get some snacks, I'll be back."

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