Chapter 2: A Day Well Spent

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Training Ground-- Azur Lane

Tribunal's Diary: "Today is the day of when all carrier kansens will be training. I was summon here by Aunt Akagi to train with her and mother Kaga, but of course Akagi-chan won't be coming because she is still young."

Tribunal is walking with Akagi and Kaga to the training ground while at the same Akagi is bore of playing games with rookies, but I worry about her causing a scene with her Majesty because she is in charge of overseeing the training. Kaga remain close to Tribunal to make sure that she doesn't get hurt before the training.

Kaga: "Remember don't go overboard with your weapons, but show our enemies no mercy."

Tribunal: "Don't worry mother. I make sure that I do my best for you and the Sakura Empire."

This makes Kaga happy and she notice Enterprise talking to a male kansen who is similar to Kaga, but from different faction which is the Eagle Union. His name is USS Gettysburg the young brother of the Yorktown-Class. Tribunal decide to greet the two while Akagi and Kaga continue to talk without notice that Tribunal is missing.

Tribunal: "Enterprise.. Gettysburg."

The two notice Tribunal and decide to greet her.

Enterprise: "Hello Tribunal; what brings you here?"

Tribunal: "Aunt Akagi wants me to join in the exercise, but Kaga order me to hold back my attacks."

Gettysburg: "Knowing with your weapons; I think that would be a good idea unless it was a Siren production warship."

Enterprise: "I agree, but don't hold back against me."

Gettysburg is worry, but he knows full well of his older sister as someone who doesn't hold back since she is a main figure in the Eagle Union including as the flagship. Tribunal is happy that Enterprise is joining on the exercise and they decide to have a one to one match between Tribunal and Enterprise while Gettysburg will act as a referee just in case if the two goes to far, but right now Tribunal need to find Kaga and Akagi.

Tribunal: "We better have Akagi and Mother to join in the fun. More is fun right."

The two agree and try to find them which leads them to a cliff where they notice Queen Elizabeth talking with Ark Royal and Illustrious until they notice Akagi and Kaga glaring at them. Tribunal, Enterprise, and Gettysburg know the details which is a fight while Kaga acts like normal.

Gettysburg: "Akagi is at it again."

Enterprise: "She doesn't give up."

Tribunal is staring at the two and worry things are going bad, but she pray that nothing bad happens and the three decide to start on the training without Akagi, Kaga, and the Queen.

Gettysburg: "Let's let those two handle themselves. We can't be strong if we stay."

Tribunal and Enterprise agree before heading to the field.

Break Time-- Enterprise and Gettysburg working on the documents 

Break Time-- Enterprise and Gettysburg working on the documents 

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Azur Lane: Tribunal's OrdersWhere stories live. Discover now