Snuggles and cuddles

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Mehreen's POV:-

"Mammaaa......" I jump apart as soon as I hear Liyana on the baby cam and I literally sprint towards room after pushing Kabir.

"Hey baby!!! Mamma is here, what happened"

"I am scared!!!"

"Why sweetheart come to mumma" I carry her and come to bed I lay her in my lap and hug her to my chest she snuggles into me and holds on to my neckline tightly.

I love how sweet she smells, she still have that baby smell to her, I watch her cute face snuggled against my chest and I just can't explain the emotions I feel when I am with Liyana as if we were meant to be a mother and daughter.

"You sure not causing an evil eye to my daughter" I hear Kabir walking in after closing door.

Why is he closing the door?

"She was just scared may be had an nightmare and wanted to be held" I speak in a low volume and I see him bending towards me and for a moment my heart is in my mouth but he just kisses Liyana and then stops at my eye level looking in to my eyes and then his eyes fleet in my lips for a while and that's when I swallow and he smirks and returns to his side of bed.

At night I can't comprehend what actually happened in the kitchen?

Was he going to kiss me ?

And what would I have done if he had kissed me?

And why did he look at me like that a while ago?

God I can't sleep please help me.

"Stop moving and sleep, you have been moving for an hour now".

I hear Kabir grunting and going back to sleep.

I wake to the sound of my alarm only to find my self in between the pair of father and daughter.

Wait!! How did I end up in middle, last night I placed Liyana in between us.
As I was contemplating Kabir stirs behind me who is clearly placing his legs on mine and his face is nuzzled in my neck while he held on to my waist.

I can feel his warm breath on my neck and he keeps nuzzling my neck making me shudder and feel things that I haven't felt ever.

He had held on to me tight moved his face gain to adjust in my neck causing his stubble to rub against my exposed neck and it felt good in very ways which I don't want to expect until I realised that he has been nuzzling into my neck a lot don't tell me this man has the audacity to stay awake and do this things to me.

As I was about turn I hear "don't move!!!" He says In a gruntled way.

"I need to get up!"

"It's still 6:00, weeks can sleep for a while"

"How am I sleeping in the middle?"

"You don't remember do you?"

" I what" his warm breath his fanning my neck as is speaking.

"After fajr you came back and slept in the middle by the time I came back from my prayers this was the vacant space I found and slept in".

"You could have slept on sofa!!"

"And why would I do that"

As he was talking his lips were moving against my skin which were making me feel things I never thought I would feel I wanted to get up but my body has its own mind i was literally craning my neck so that I can feel his lips on it.

And Kabir seemed to understand and started leaving a trail of wet kisses which made my mind hazy and just moaned his name "Kabir!!!"

"Fuck!!!! Say it again" he asked me kissing my neck.

But before I could I was reminded that am in bed with a toddler who just happend to wake up.

"Mamma........."she groggily woke up rubbing her eyes.

I sprung up as if I was caught in action by my parents and in the process I hurt Kabir's head which I didn't bother looking at.

"Good morning meri jaan!! Did you have a good sleep? Come now let's freshen up and eat breakfast so that we can leave to school"

I went to bathroom and then out of room with out even glancing at him I fed my daughter and let her dadu drop her to school as I will be picking her up today.

"What the hell was I thinking moaning his name and giving him access" I was chiding my self to listening to my traitor body.

"You ready ?" Kabir asks me standing behind me looking in the mirror.

He was dressed in burgundy shirt and ashy suit looking like hot and delicious Mehreen stop what is wrong with you, oh my god this guys is making me mad.

"If you are done admiring me we can leave I have an onsite inspection today"

"I will manage by myself you can leave!!"

"He looks at me as if he wanted to say something but his phone call saved me and i left the room"

Through out the day my mind was just playing the morning events and my tummy was having this weird feeling I seriously can't explain.

In this one and half months of marriage and staying together we did fell into the harmony of taking care of Liyana but this physical attraction this wasn't there ever till now, what changed?

As I was thinking and contemplating I walk into some thing actually some one .

"Oh am sorry I didn't pay attention".

"Well you always have been clumsy honey !!!"

"I look up to the person who just spoke.

God spare me why do I have to run in to my Ex fiancée now.

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