Birthday it is

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Mehreen's PoV:-

"She is growing up!!"

"Oh she is!!! For surely she had grown few centimetres tall in last one week!!"

"I don't want her to grow up" I look at Kabir my eyes ready flow of the tears am stopping.

Liyana will turn 4 today and I want my little girl to stay this little for ever.

It's been two hours since me and Kabir woke up and might sound very creepy but we are currently looking at our daughter who is sleeping peacefully in the slumber land.

"I wish same but trust me I can't wait her to grow up into this fine young lady who would make us proud of her every achievement".

"Yeah am sure she is going to be very fine lady who is also very opinionated".

"Yes cause she is being raised by one".

I look at him this man can just flirt without thinking left and right.

I sigh and again look at my daughter who very much resembles her father.

"But I didn't experience her newborn phase or toddler phase I missed her major mile stones her firsts".

He holds my hands!!

"You missed the part even which she doesn't even remember anything about it, but you are going to be part of her rest of the firsts, you are going to be part of her whole life".

I look at him I know he is saying all this to placate me but somewhere it gives me a relief that am going to be a part of her better future where I can see her grow up from naughty kid to bratty teenager and a sensible young woman and I can't just wait to be her friend and confidant when she is growing up, usually people say that girls are closer to their dads but I want my girl to be her mamma's girl.

"Mamma......." Liyana stirs in her sleep and looks out for me in this 8 months she has developed this attachment that I don't think I would develop with anyone else.

"Hey sweetheart...... hi my baby" I wake her up with belly rubs and she opens her eyes with sweetest smile and jumps in to my lap.

"That's so unfair your Abbu is also here waiting for you to hug me but look at you? You are just your mamma's pet aren't you?"

"Abbu......muah...." This girl has learned this trick of kissing her dad whenever he is upset as his mood just sets right with it.

I get up and get her favourite cupcakes which has been her new obsession.

"Happy birthday mera bacha!!!!"

"Happy birthday princess, Kabir lifts her up and blows raspberries on her tummy".

She looks at me with happiness dripping her innocent eyes.

"Cuppys!!!!!!!" Yeah she calls cupcakes cuppys.

Mamma cuppys without brushings.

"It's an exception today as it your birthday".

Birthday!!!!! She is still unsure of what birthday is.

"Yeah birthday is the day when Liyana was born, like a small baby". I show her with my hands and she is so fascinated and am clear she understands not much but is elated cause of her cuppys for breakfast and her room decorated in balloons.

Me and Kabir made sure she wakes up to this beautiful scene.

"Wow balloons!!!" She gets down from my lap and runs around the room catching them and throwing them.

"Okay now before you get tired of playing and sleep again let's get you dressed come on now"

I give her bubble bath as she is so in love with playing bubbles and then dress her in her yellow outfit the one Aleena bought for her.

"Now come on let's go to Bi jaan and dadi dadu say Salam to them and then have your breakfast".

"Mamma catch me" she runs like a cheetah god this girl is making me burn all my calories these days.

"Liyana wait !!!!!"

As I was about to go out of room I get pulled by the Man who is always troubling me these days.

"Kabir!! What is this leave me, I have to feed Liyana".

"Well there are other people in the house who do take care of her very well".

"Yeah but...."

"Shhhh....... Why are you always high on adrenaline and running here and there? Take breather wifey!! You know even a mother needs to look good at her daughter's birthday".

"I will but before that..."

"Shhh no more but's....."

"Fine I will get ready but aren't you holding me a lot these days what is with you always holding me and hugging me? Leave me now".

He pushes me against closet and here goes my stupid heart stampeding out of my rib cage, and before I contemplate he starts kissing me it's the second kiss we have had and this man kisses so good that I can just melt in to this goo.

My knees start buckling and he starts ravishing my mouth and I just give in so that he can explore my mouth with his tongue.

"Kabir........" I say breathlessly I so want to catch my breath.

As he was about kiss me again I stop him cause I know we are kissing with doors open I don't want to give my little girl trauma so early.

As her little statement yesterday led whole house to tease me and Kabir continuously saying that we were preparing to gift Liyana a little sibling I smile at the thought but dismiss it as it's very much impossible.

Am brought out of my trance when Kabir spoke.

"What happened? You didn't like the way I kissed" he smirks using his thumb to rub along my lower lip.

"You are such a bad kisser Kabir" I push him and enter the washroom.

"What do you mean I am a bad kisser? I might be out of practice but I am the best baby Kabir khan is best at everything you see"

"You and your over the head go out I need to shower".

"Fine shower, no one is stopping you,"

"Kabir stop pushing my buttons and get out before I need my space again".

He walks away holding his hands up I clearly know he was very much affected when i stayed away. Aleena kept updating me how he was always in his study and mentioned he looked like a love sick puppy.

But I doubt that the Kabir khan loves me.

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