My woman

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Mehreen's POV:-

"So!!! Are you going ?" This is the first line he speaks to me after 45 minutes of a silent drive back home after saying the most intimate thing in the hotel.

I sit by bed to change liyana as she passed out on the way. "Going where?"

I look at me raising my brows in a questioning way.

"To Arshad's place ?"

"Oh!! I am not sure, I mean dadima have always been the sweetest one to me in the family, and one who actually was sad for me when Salman ran off, so I was thinking me and humna might go and visit her once".

"Well don't humna have college to attend?"

"Well yeah she does so we will go on Sunday".

"Sunday you usually spend time with Liyana and family".

"I will go there on Saturday while humna has off and Liyana is busy with Dadu and dadi".

"But Ammi and Dad are going out this Saturday to attend a gathering, so you have to take care of Liyana".

"Kabir!!! What is it that you want me to do? You don't want me to go and visit a sick old woman?"

"No I didn't mean that what I meant is!!, I will accompany you there that's all you don't have to bother humna, we three can go and visit and if she also sees that you are happy she might feel content too,".

I look at him with my eyes narrowed god!!this man if he just want to tag along he could have said so why talk in circles.

"Fine we can go on Saturday you and Liyana can pick me up in the noon"

"Cool I will be in study if you need anything just call me".

Delirious why would I need him!!!!!

Well it took me 5 minutes to realise that I need him in the closet room as my sister in law isn't even responding to my calls and I clearly can't ask anyone else at this odd hour to help me with zipper that would be odd.

"Ahem!!!! You free" I clear my throat after entering his study.

"Yes I am and do you plan on sleeping in the dress?"

"Actually I need a favour!!"

"Favour !!! Wow the independent Dr. Mehreen needs favour?"

"Fine I don't need one".

He chuckles and stands up closing the distance between us.

"Okay tell me what is it".

"Help me get the zip off and you just need to open a little and I can take off rest of it"

I watch his Adam's Apple bob while his eyes look as if he is looking at his prey.he closes distance between us and turns me around.

My heart is hammering in my heart so fast that it might just come out of my body.

The evening scene if him zipping me up just plays in my head and my body feels all kind of jitters possible, as he was about to open my zip.

"Bhabhi!!!!, Mehreen Bhabhi!!!"

As I am walking away to answer the her  Kabir holds me. "Stay!!!".

"Aleena is looking for me, and she will help with the zip too am sorry for bothering you, carry on with your work"

I see disappointment lacing his eyes, was he disappointed that he didn't get to unzip me, I know it's wrong but a little part in me is also disappointed.

"Hey Aleena!! Sorry I called you at this time."

"That's okay bhabhi tell me is it anything urgent?"

"Well pretty urgent can you help me unzip the dress".

"Bhabhi don't tell me you called for this, I mean bhai would be more than happy to unzip and undress you".

"Oh my god Aleena you and your little mouth" we laugh and talk a little bit after which she leaves the  room.

I clean up and get ready for bed but don't see him anywhere so after thinking a lot I go and check on him.

"Hey!!!" But I see that he has closed his eyes and seems to be dozing.I stand by him and watch his peaceful face and notice he is very handsome and has this beautiful lips which felt very nice against my skin and I don't mind feeling it against my lips too.

I subconsciously lean in and stroke his face when suddenly opens his eyes and says "am I that handsome that you can't resist" he says with a smirk on his face.

Before I can retract my hand and stand he pulls me in to his lap.

"Ahhhh Kabir !!! What are you doing?"

"What you were struggling to look at my face now am just providing you good view, now you can look at me all you want".

"Who says I was looking at you I was just  about swat the mosquito"

"Yeah yeah!!! Say all you want!!"

"Okay now leave me Kabir I need to sleep I don't have time for this".

"Time for what ?"

I sigh and point to us "this I don't have time for this".

Okay then let's get you to sleep.

Saying this he just picks me up.

"Oh my god!!! Kabir please let me down you will hurt your back or knees, please let me down"

He looks down at me in his arms and says "a real man would never let his woman down and sweetheart your husband doesn't do gym for show off I know how to handle MY WOMAN".

And my stomach just became a jungle to of butterfly's.

Ishq DobaraWhere stories live. Discover now