Racing heart

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"And do recheck this part of the construction I want this pillar to be removed and give me something more structural, am I clear ?"

I was swamped with work today and had no time to even spare for my lunch as I was about to relax my friend pops in.

"Hey!!! Wassup!! Tell me what happened ?"

I look up at him and sit back asking him " why do you think I look different ?"

"Don't know you aren't grumpy these days!"

"I was never grumpy!!"

"Oh yeah! Wanna ask the staff about it?"

"Fine now tell me what are you doing here weren't you suppose to be preparing the presentation for tomorrow's meeting"?

"Kabir yaar don't you underestimate me I am always 10 steps further, am done with presentation and had did few changes to the last draft as well if you want I can't present you now too!!"

As me and Akif were discussing the project Rishab walks in as if he has run marathon.

"Sir Nafees enterprises are second in line for tender, William hardwares quoted the best price".

"Give the tender to Nafees enterprises and make him realise that this wasn't because of his capabilities but because of Mallik's"

"What are you trying to do Kabir?" Akif asks me skeptically.

"I am just doing a favour to my father in law".

"By helping your wife's ex fiancée ?"

"About that I am not helping him it's just business and they are good ones in the market"

"He dumped Mehreen and left the country!!! How would Mehreen feel if she learns about it?"

"Actually even she asked me if I could help Nafees enterprises so as far as I know I don't think so she would have any issue with me picking up them for this project".

"Well you both seemed to be okay with it but I would say watch for that Salman he is a wolf in sheep's clothing".

"She hates him and I am not fan of him either, he anyways had to collaborate with staff not with me".

"Oh so does it matter to you if Mehreen doesn't hate him?"

I am sure I don't want to answer this question cause I my self don't know but I hate that once Mehreen was associated with that fucker.

"Well your gossip time is up now let's get back to work I have to pick up Mehreen, Aleena told her car was giving trouble when she went to drop Liyana home".

"Oh so you gonna pick her up and take out for a long drive and have fun in the car?"

"Get out !!!!"

"Oh and remember shahista the girl you dated barely in your early 20's she was heartbroken knowing you got married......for the second time"

"And how is that you know this information?"

"I just have my sources and I also think that this Salman isn't the good news I am just warning you he is very cunning".

"Fine now get out I have to leave too".

Well Akif was right about one thing Salman Riaz can never be a good news, I don't know what Malik uncle saw in him for Mehreen.

And Mehreen has been occupying my mind lately more than I would like it.

And that morning with her...her soft body against mine... she felt so good that morning and the way she calls my name......god forbid if Liyana didn't woke things would have been escalated for sure.

I didn't like this woman when I met her or may be I didn't like the fact that I liked her the moment I laid my eyes on her, she was beautiful and I didn't like the fact that my heart raced at the view of my child's therapist.

God help me I am messed up at the moment, I don't want to fall for her I promised Aiman that will not fall in love with anyone other than her.

As I was reaching her department I saw her walking aimlessly and crashing into someone I mean this woman how clumsy she can be.

I nod my head and start walking towards her only to realise the man she crashed into her holding her by shoulders was none other than Salman Riaz.

What the hell??? What is he doing here.

I walk and stand by the corner to listen what he was speaking intently to my wife.

"What are you doing here ?"
Mehreen asks him.

"Hi to you too Mehreen...., I came by to thank you, dad said that you asked Kabir to consider us for this bidding and guess what we actually got the tender and that husband of yours didn't fail to mention that this wasn't our hard work but a favour he bestowed upon us" he spoke leisurely,

"You got the tender ?" Mehreen looked surprised at this.

"I know right didn't know you would care about me even after I ditched you, well that was wrong on my part and I came here to apologise to you, I shouldn't have done that Mehreen and really sorry for my lack of respect towards you" saying this he holds her hand.

This good for nothing bastard.........

"Look Salman that was in the past and trust me I spoke up just for Riaz uncle for my father's sake  you can leave as you have said your part." She takes her hands out of his grip.

"You look different Mehreen!!! Like the good kind of different not the kind I remember, you look beautiful" saying this he tries to touch her cheek.

"Don't you dare lay your hands on my Wife"
My voice stuns both of them.

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