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Kabir's PoV:-

"Kabirrr!!! What are you spewing let's go" she says squirming in my hands as if she doesn't wanted to.m be touched by me.

"Sure baby!!! Let's go! And Mr. Salman I expect the budget report on my desk tomorrow also consider this a final warning if I see you with my wife holding her hand or forcing her to have a conversation I will make sure you remember your mistake".

I leave the place holding Mehreen's hand which she is trying whole heartedly to get out of my grip.

"Kabir beta!! Have lunch with us today" Abida the wife of Riaz Nafees who clearly was trying to butter me up.

"Thanks aunty! But I promised Mehreen that I would spend this afternoon with her alone so we have plans thank you, may be some other time".

Saying my word I walk out to my car.

"Leave me Kabir what are you trying to do? And what was that with Salman sprouting nonsense?"

"Are you hurt that your ex was hurt or did I disturb your rendezvous with him?"

"What bullshit!!!!! you know what, I am just going back home you can go ahead with your day!"

"Mehreen wait!!!" I hold her by her wrist.

"Don't......don't touch me Kabir".

"Okay fine I will not but I want you to come with me?"

"Where and why? You know what I don't want to spend a minute with you anymore and I certainly don't want to create a scene in the lawn of my dad's friend".

"Humna!!! Come let's go!!" She calls her sister who is very animatedly chatting with zoha.

"Look humna can drive herself home I want you to come with me to farm house."

"You are very delusional if you think I still want to spend time with you after last night's humiliation".

God!!! I knew it all her anger is cause of last night and I can totally understand her but the frustration that this bastard is the reason for what happened last night is more aggravating.

"Look Mehreen I am taking you to farm house to look at the venue and to describe it to the event company who is already there waiting for us".

That's when realisation hit her. "Oh!!! How did it slip my mind liyana's birthday is in a week".

She looks at me angrily as if am the reason that it slipped her mind.

"Humna listen I need to go to farm house to have a brief with event company about liyana's birthday so please go home and take care of her make sure she takes her afternoon nap post lunch she says she doesn't want to but just hold her keep talking to her in a very low voice she will eventually fall asleep okay".

"Ohh okay baaji now go jiju is waiting!!! I will take care of Liyana, bye jiju".

"Thanks Humna!!" We wait till she leaves and then we drive towards farm house which is at-least an hour drive.

"Mehreen about last night I am really sorry, and it's not you, its me, I let that good for nothing mess with my head and I spoiled the night for us"

I wait for her to respond but she doesn't and when I look at her she has her earphones on and closed her eyes.

Well she is clearly not interested to talk to me.

"Butterflies in the shades of purple and lilac, fairy lights and flowers in the shade of purple along with little stars. She is fascinated with butterflies and stars recently"

"Sure mam!! Anything else ?"

"No that's all for now and yes make sure the snacks have chicken nuggets and a counter for pancakes and crepe's or waffles would do too".

"Sure mam!!I will draft the decor and send you few idea pick one of them we will finalise it".

"Well that sounds good thank you,"

She was so involved in the preparation and she knows what exactly Liyana wants and what to do when she is fussy or tired.

I mean I was good with Liyana but there were times when it became hectic when I wasn't able to understand what she wanted but with Mehreen it feels all so easy. Ammi was right a child always needs the mother and Mehreen is the best mother for Liyana.

"So it's done now, drop me back". She started collecting her phone and bag.

Well I can't let her go looking that upset and I hate that she isn't even talking to me well, and I don't want her to distance herself from me.

"What's so hurry let's have lunch I have ordered sandwiches eat them and we will leave".

"They are sandwiches and can be had even on the way and I don't want to spend one more moment alone here let's just go".

"Mehreen listen to me please, what ever happened last night....."

"Was a mistake I know it Kabir it was clearly written on your face that you were disappointed with what you saw, and I know am exactly not the kind of woman a man likes or desires which I clearly can't help, now can we please go I don't want to have any more discussion regarding last night."

"Mehreen wait what are you talking about!!!!"

"Really now Kabir! You want me to still explain what I am talking about! Please Kabir I have zero patience can we just go"

Oh my god did she think I backed out cause I didn't find her attractive what the fuck had I done, I might have not backed out cause of it but it certainly looked that way which am sure broke her, shit I messed up really bad.

"Mehreen wait!!! Please let me explain, it's not what you think baby!!! Please listen to me once" I hug her from behind but she is adamant about getting out of my grip.

"Kabir leave!!! What are you doing leave, let me go"

She starts struggling and I feel wetness on my arms "God she is crying" what have I done.

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