𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 22

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𝐋𝐨𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧: Cole's apartment
𝐓𝐢𝐦𝐞: 1:20am
𝐏𝐎𝐕: Sienna

Cole and I stumbled into his apartment after a night of drinking. We definitely weren't sober but I knew I was a little more drunk than Cole. My mind took over my body and I flopped on the bed, pulling Cole down with me.

Cole hovered over me while laying light kisses down my neck which was now covered in red/purple marks. I knew where this was heading and I had been craving him all week. He held my neck while he kissed my lips which were already red and plump from kissing him before.

Every so often, he'd stop to look at me and take my body in, murmuring and whispering things in my ear, telling me im beautiful and perfect. He kissed every inch of my body and I couldn't help but wonder where he'd learnt how to do all this. I pushed all the thoughts out my head and focused on how good Cole made me feel.

He suddenly stopped and I complained at the loss of contact. He gave me a sympathetic smile.

"We're both drunk, let's leave it for tonight"

I groaned in annoyance but understood his point and I instead let him undress me and help me into my pj's as I was too lazy and too drunk to do so myself.

POV: Cole

I laid down next to Sienna, pulling her closer to me. The smell of her coconut shampoo filled my lungs and I breathed out a sigh of relief, knowing we were finally okay. I hated knowing I'd upset her, it broke my heart hearing how sad she was while I was away when Reece and Noni spoke to me earlier at the club.

I made sure to hold her tighter so she knew I wasn't going anywhere. She turned over to face me and I smiled at her. She really was the prettiest girl. She kissed me before mumbling something.

"I love you Cole, you should be my boyfriend"

Her words were a bit slurred but i made out what she said. Deep down I knew it was her drunk words talking and I just kissed her forehead before saying

"I love you more Sienna"

I hadn't even finished my words before I heard her light snores. I knew she hadn't heart me but I smiled anyway.


I woke up to an empty bed and i was confused as to where Sienna had gone. Normally she slept in on weekends so I was puzzled as to why she was out of bed so early.

My questions were soon answered as the smell of bacon wafted into my room. I leapt out of bed instantly and threw on some shorts that were next to my bed.

As I walked into the kitchen, I saw Sienna at the stove frying some eggs in a pan. She was wearing one of my football shirts and a pair of cycling shorts. I snaked my arms round her waist and she jumped from the contact before turning round and planting a kiss on my lips.

Bacon was laid out on plates along with sausages and beans.

"Food smells good" I mumbled into her shoulder.

Even though she didn't reply, I knew she was smiling. She always criticises her cooking but her food is my favourite.

I released her from my arms as she placed some egg on both our plates and I followed her to the kitchen island. Sienna hadn't even started her food before I had devoured my eggs.

I was hungry.

After we ate, she picked up her plates but I quickly told her I would do the washing up.

"Can I really trust you with that?" she giggled.

God I love her laugh.

I dramatically placed a hand over my heart, acting hurt at her words before smiling at her.


We were going out again tonight, this time for Noni's birthday. We were only going to a local club. In hindsight, it probably wasn't the best idea to go out drinking last night but everyone was free so we took our chance to hang out.

I was sat on my bed while Sienna was getting ready in the mirror she had brought for my room so she could get ready at mine, since she was basically living with me. It was weird, we weren't official but we were definitely acting like it.

I was already ready to leave but Sienna insisted on putting makeup on even after I tried to convince her she didn't need it. She looked beautiful, she was wearing a blue two piece set with her hair half up. I went for a more basic look and was wearing some grey shorts and white tip with my hair fluffed up at the request of Sienna.


We arrived at the club being the last people and instantly went to the bar to order drinks. Luckily we had both remembered our ID as the bartender was a real stuck up twod.

Sienna went off to find Maya in the crowd, leaving her drink at the bar with me. I turned away to talk to Noni, wishing him a happy birthday and talking about the season starting.

I watched Sienna and she caught my eye and smiled every so often.

"Ey Cole's in loveeeee"

I punched Noni's shoulder as he teased me, although, he wasn't wrong.

Sienna made her way back over to me with a worried look on her face. I asked her what was wrong

"There's a man that's creeping me out, he's following me and trying to touch me"

I looked up to where she was looking and saw a man that had been stood next to me for a while before he disappeared. I thought nothing of him at the time but now that I knew he was after Sienna, anger took over me. I wanted to give him a punch round the face but I knew it would upset Sienna so I refrained from doing so.

"Stay close to me, okay?" I slung my arm round Sienna so she knew she was protected and she  downed her drink that she had left with me. She made a disgusted face and I laughed at her expression.

"My drink doesn't taste right"

We decided to ignore it and we ordered a few more rounds for everyone. People were becoming more and more tipsy and were starting to embarrass themselves with dancing and singing.

Sienna stayed by my side for the rest of the night. That man must've really spooked her.

She tapped my arm and I look down at her face. Her eyes were droopy and I assumed she had drank too much. I looked at her face and all the colour had been drained, leaving her looking pale and unwell

"Cole I really don't feel well, I think there was something in my drink earlier"

She held onto my arm, swaying and I caught her before she fell, taking her outside for air. I sat her on a bench under a lamppost and I could now see tears forming in her eyes.

My heart sank as I realised that her drink had been spiked as that was the only reason she could have felt like this so suddenly. Noni came out, confused as to why we had left and I saw his face change when he saw Sienna looking unwell.

I told him to wait with her while I went inside and spoke to someone. I didn't want Sienna to know that the creep was about to get a beating.

𝐞𝐬𝐜𝐚𝐩𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐝 // 𝐚 𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐞 𝐩𝐚𝐥𝐦𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲Where stories live. Discover now