𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 18

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𝐋𝐨𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧: Sienna's house
𝐓𝐢𝐦𝐞: 2:14pm
𝐏𝐎𝐕: Sienna

Cole left for Tenerife early in the morning 2 days ago. I had decided to take a nap to catch up on the sleep I missed from waking up during the night because Cole wasn't there. He had offered for me to join him but as he had gone with his family and we weren't officially dating, I declined not wanting to interrupt his time with his family before the season started.

He was 2 days into his holiday and was going for 10 days so I still have another 8 days to pass. I already missed him a lot and I knew that I needed to do stuff to get my mind off of missing him.

I decided to make myself some lunch as I had eaten today. I chose to make a salad with chicken as I wanted something quick and easy to make.

I hadn't realised how hungry I really was and ate all of it with some fruit after. I wanted to be productive but I ended up on the sofa watching the Olympics, judging the competitors as if i could do any better. I couldn't.

While I watched, I decided to pull my laptop out and reply to some emails from work and other people. I wanted to do something with myself today.

After replying to a few emails, I scrolled through Instagram for a while. I followed Cole's sister a while back as we met briefly at a shoot she attended with him and I saw she had posted a few pictures of them. As I swiped through, I came across one of Cole with another girl. One who I didn't recognise. It wasn't his sister because this girl had blonde hair. He was on a paddleboard with her, looking very cosy and comfortable.

I felt the jealousy bubble within me and told myself it's probably a cousin or something, although he didn't mention anyone else going apart from his parents and sister. I like the post and sent Cole a quick message asking if he was okay and how his holiday was going. I waited on a reply but it never came and I decided not to overthink anything. Yet.

I laid on my bed drowning in my thoughts waiting for a message from Cole. Speaking of, my phone pinged and I quickly opened my messages to a message from 'Cole💝'

Hey si, i haven't looked at my
phone talk later okay x

I sighed wanting a little more but chose not to make a big deal and typed out 'okay'

I hated the thought of Cole with another girl but I hated the fact my mind was making a bigger deal than it needed to be.

Just as I was about to put my phone down, another notification came through, this time from instagram.

Cole had posted a picture of him with this blonde girl. He had his arm round her. I threw my phone at the wall and instantly regretted it and got up to pick it up. He had tagged her in the caption with a white heart and I decided to go into stalk mode and I clicked on her profile.

I scrolled through her profile for a while and I saw that she had also posted pictures of them together but on previous occasions. Some were of them at parties together and some were holidays together. I noticed that they always looked cozy and wondered if I was just a joke to Cole and that he was seeing this girl and that me and Scarlett were just flings. Now that I think about it, he didn't seem too bothered about his breakup with Scarlett but then they weren't together for a long time. Maybe he was just stringing me along?

I sat there hurt and and confused for a while, before deciding to sleep on it and meet up with Maya to talk about it tomorrow. I sent Maya a message asking her to meet up at our favourite spot before putting my phone down and trying to sleep. I rolled around for hours before finally dozing off.


I woke up around 7 and wanted to try to be way more productive. Maya and I decided to meet up around 9 so I had 2 hours to pass. I got dressed into some black joggers and one of Cole's shirts. I thought having his scent would make me feel better but it only made me miss him more. I cleaned the house and took a break to make Reece some breakfast which he ate while I sat with him, watching the news. How boring.

I met with Maya at 9:10, slightly late. We chose our usual table in the corner by the window and ordered our breakfast. We started gossiping right away and I showed her the pictures of Cole and the blonde girl, who I found out was called Ellie.

"Dude what's he doing with her when he's got you" she whisper-shouted.

"I don't know" I mumbled

"Well maybe you should do the same, Levi is clearly into you. Maybe you should explore that"

I considered while our food arrived. I hesitated before nodding. Maybe I should try it with Levi. I've put all my energy and time into Cole for the past 5 months, maybe I should look into other people.

"Yeah maybe I will" I gave Maya a smile and hoped I wouldn't regret this. I still missed Cole, I mean I was in his shirt.

We finished our food and talked more about the situation, did some stalking and judging and then we decided to do some girly shopping and walked round every shop possible. I brought myself some new clothes so that I had something to wear other than all of Cole's clothes.

My phone pinged as I got home with a message from Cole, I glanced at my phone

hey si, i can call for a bit tonight
text me when you can call me x

I ignored the message and turned my phone off so I wasn't tempted to reply to his message and walked through the door.

I decided to make some content of my new clothes and posted on instagram and tiktok. I scrolled through my comments and read some. One caught my eye.

levicolwill: looking good 😉
> replied: 🤍

I replied with a white heart, specifically so Cole would see. I wanted to make him jealous and give him a taste of his own medicine.

*authors note*
hope you enjoy x🤍

𝐞𝐬𝐜𝐚𝐩𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐝 // 𝐚 𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐞 𝐩𝐚𝐥𝐦𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲Where stories live. Discover now