𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 11

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𝐋𝐨𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧: the james' house
𝐓𝐢𝐦𝐞: 4:17pm
𝐏𝐎𝐕: Cole

I sat on the sofa next to Reece, and it was quiet for a few moments. Reece asked to talk to me alone, and I assumed it was just something about the kits.

Reece sighed and started talking to me.

"I know you and Sienna have something going on"

I gave a small smile as I knew there was no denying it and I was hoping that Reece was about to give me his approval.

"I really think you should stay away from her"

My smile dropped instantly and I felt a part of my heart break off.

"What why?" I had so many questions come into my mind at once and I tried to ask each one individually.

"She's been hurt before by a footballer, she doesn't need it again"

Reece sounded blunt and as if he had no sympathy for what me or sienna felt for eachother.

"Who said you can speak for her?" I started getting annoyed that Reece was trying to talk for her and I needed to talk to sienna about this.

"I'm her brother I can do what I like" As reece said that, he walked off out the front door and I sat there with my head in my hands, thinking about how to explain to sienna that her own brother didn't want us to see eachother.

I could hear sienna and noni laughing upstairs and I hated that I was being forced into hurting her. I knew she wanted me and I wanted her even more.

I finally decided to get up off the sofa after a few minutes of staring into nothing and I walked upstairs, following the laughs which were coming from Sienna's room.

I walked in after knocking on the door and saw Noni on the floor with sienna on her bed, braiding noni's hair. I knew noni had asked her to braid his hair as we were going partying in the evening.

The sparkle in Sienna's eyes was enough to make my heart ache for letting her down and I decided against telling her now.

I felt myself change into the worst feeling I'd ever felt as I walked down the stairs. I decided it'd be best for me to avoid Sienna at the party instead of saying something that might hurt her.

I arrived home and got changed into something more party looking and made my way to the club that we had all agreed on. I knew this night was going to be one of the hardest things to do but I had to commit to my deal with reece as I didn't want any tension between us.


𝐏𝐎𝐕: Sienna

We arrived at the party and I immediately went to find cole, but I couldn't find him anywhere. That was weird? Normally he was always with me. I carried on looking but I couldn't spot him anywhere. Normally his head would poke out the top of crowds but I still couldn't see him

As I looked round, I finally caught his eye and started walking over to him but before I could reach him, he had gone? Why was he ignoring me? Had I done something?

I found him again a few minutes later and attempted to talk to him. He made eye contact with me and then walked off. Was he being serious?

Instead of wasting my time chasing after him, I went to find Maya and complain about how much of a dick cole was suddenly being. As I walked towards the bar where maya was sitting, I bumped into reece and Ben.

"Are you okay sienna?" reece looked at me

"yeah I'm fine" I walked off with a brisk pace and went and slumped on a stool next to maya.

"Hey girl" maya looked at me, her expression changing when she saw I was upset

"Cole is completely ignoring me its so annoying I literally hate boys"

I sighed and groaned in annoyance until maya put her hand on my shoulder

"Oh girl I know, why do you think I steer clear of all boys"

We giggled a bit, and my smile instantly dropped as I looked past Maya towards the toilets and saw Cole and Scarlett talking.



"What the fuck" maya looked at what I was looking at and her jaw dropped.

I stormed off in the their direction, ignoring Reece's calls for me as I walked past him. All I saw was red as I walked up to Scarlett and slapped her round the face with all my power. I wasn't thinking clearly and as I walked back to the bar, I heard maya cheering for me.

I couldn't believe I had just slapped Cole's ex in the face. I mean, payback for what happened on holiday but I couldn't fathom what I had just done.

I kept downing shots of all kinds of alcohol, knowing that I was going to have a rough morning but at this point nothing mattered. I wasn't thinking straight and maya could see that I was out of it.

I stared into nothing before cole tapped me shoulder and told me to follow him. I was beyond pissed with him and I didn't even want to look at him.

"Why did you do that?'

It might have been the drinks taking over my brain but EXCUSE ME? Was this man seriously standing up for his ex girlfriend?


"What?" I replied a little more rudely than I intended but to be fair to myself he deserved more than rudeness.

The drinks too hold of my words and I couldn't control what my mouth was saying.

"You've aired me all night and you expect me to be nice?"

"Sienna you don't understand"

"No cole, you don't understand. You've played me and used me just to make Scarlett jealous so you can get her back"

"What? Sienna no. You know I only want you"

"Well maybe I don't want you"

I walked out of the bar as Cole stood there speechless.

𝐞𝐬𝐜𝐚𝐩𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐝 // 𝐚 𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐞 𝐩𝐚𝐥𝐦𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲Where stories live. Discover now