A new beginning

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This is more 3rd person POV But also Lucifers.

   It was a normal day in hell, his little girl was playing in the gardens, and his wife was reading on the sofa. But then all of a sudden, out of no where without warning, his very own father appeared.
   Who is his father you may ask? Well it is god himself as Lucifer is a fallen angel banished from heaven for giving a forbidden fruit to a mortal, the mortal was known as Lilith.
   Lilith was his "loveing" wife as she was banished into the pits of hell with him as punishment for both of them. They soon married and had a loving daughter named Charlie.
   "Father? What may you ever need?" He bowed to his father asking politely but curiously as to why his father was here all of a sudden this confused him. His father just looked at him not answering but then spoke with quick words he replied "You Lucifer, shall go to earth with your child and wife to live as mortals for a few years. The reason is secret as for you to find it in the years you exist there."
   Lilith was not happy about this as she liked being the queen of hell and didn't ever want to leave, and worst of all she was having an affair behind her husband's back as she never truly loved him she uses and used him for power. But Lucifer didn't know this of course as she was a very good actor.
   "But lord-" Lilith spoke up, "what if I do not wish to go with them?" God looked at her. "And why would you not want to go with your loving family? To have a new start somewhere new?" "Well my lord It seems as I do not want to relieve my spot here in hell, I wish to stay here in hell." She spoke quickly with a tone to her voice.
    This tone made Lucifer suspicious as he felt his and her love fading and he feared that if he took Charlie to earth and left his wife she would disappear without a trace.   "Very well then, you may stay Lilith and uphold your place here in hell" As the Lord spoke those words Lilith smirked and thanked him.
   "As for you Lucifer you shall take Charlie and go to earth to live as mortals for the time being."
   All Lucifer could do was nod, hurt that his wife decided to stay behind, he picked up his little girl and gave his wife one more look, before he was teleported to earth.
   He arrived on earth his location was Louisiana in the early 1900s. He looked around with Charlie in his arms as he realized he and Charlie had a human form.
   He did not know this as he had only been to earth once as an angel, and he had never left hell since. Charlie was still little at the time maybe 3 or 4. Charlie spoke once they arrived "Daddy where are we?" She looked around confused and a bit scared to be in a new place as she never was allowed to leave the castle. "Well my sweet little apple, we are on earth." He said as he booped her little nose.
   "Earth?" She replied curious. "Yes my little apple we will be staying here for awhile, think of this like a little vacation!" He said cheerfully. "Now how about we go look around for a nice house hmm?" He looked at Charlie to see her reaction on a new living space. "Ooo! Okay Daddy!!" They walked around the neighborhood and found a nice run down little house that was for sale.
   He quickly bought the house, as he could still use his powers here on earth and decided to summon some money to purchase the house. He himself did like to work on things and thought of this house as a fun project to do while he was on earth.       Once the house was bought they went to the furniture store and bought some essentials such as beds, a table, chairs and a couch as the house already had a working stove that he will replace later.
   Once all the stuff was loaded into a moving van he drove the van to his house with Charlie beside him in a car seat he also bought earlier that day. "Daddy why is Mommy not on this vaca- vakas- vakashun with us?" Charlie said curiously as she loved her mother and wondered why she wasn't present. "Well my little apple seed, she wanted to stay home as she had some "business" to attend to."
   He hated lying to his little girl but that response seemed to fill the satisfaction to her question and she continued playing with her dolls in the van. As they arrived to their new house Lucifer began unloading things from the van as Charlie played in the yard. When he finally unloaded the last box and placed it inside he went back outside to bring Charlie inside as the sun was setting now.
   He then built Charlie's bed so she could sleep comfortably. He then soon ordered some pizza for dinner after building his little girls bed. When the food arrived they both chowed down in silence as they were both starving from running around all day. Once they had finished Charlie yawned "Is my little char-char sleepy?" Lucifer asked softly. Charlie then nodded sleepily and he picked her up and carried her to bed.
    When he arrived in her room he laid her down in her new bed as she was already asleep in his arms, he covered her with a blanket and softly kissed her forehead. "Goodnight my little apple seed" he said softly as he shut the door behind him.
   He then yawned but didn't go to bed as he had a lot of stuff to put together for the house such as the couch table and many other things. He worked all night and finally got everything done around 5am in the morning.
   He began tiredly making breakfast for his little girl. (Some stuff he summoned from hell such as clothing, some food items, pots, pans, and soaps.) Soon he could hear charlie stir and soon she walked into the dining room and yawned. "Daddy I'm hungry" she said sleepily. "I know char-char im about to make breakfast for you ok? How about you go sit on the couch and play for a little hm?"

//Ok so I edited this chapter to make it hopefully make sense and not be all jambled up and rushed as it was! I hope y'all will continue reading and enjoy the story!!\\

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