A playday!

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Lucifer POV

I led him over to the table to explain to him why I didn't/don't eat. "So...I may or may not have an eating disorder?" Alastors expression changes to surprised then calm again. I put my face into my hands as this is something nobody knows because either no one cares that I don't eat or no one notices. Alastors gaze softens and he grabs my hands and pulls them away from my face to reveal tears streaming down. He motions for me to go over to him and I do so. He gently grabs my chin and I blush a little as he does this. "A-al what are you doing?" I says sniffling as the tears have almost come to a stop. "Well I gotta make my Lou feel better hm?" I blush and look away. His Lou? He grabs my chin again makes me look at him. "Now no more tears okay? If you need help with the disorder I'm here for you okay?" I nod from his reassurance. He leans in for a kiss then Charlie walks in. I push his hands away quickly and give Charlie a smile. "Hey char-char! I thought you were playing in your room." I walk over to her and pick her up. Out of the corner of my eye I see Alastor pouting like a little child and I laugh quietly while holding Charlie. "Do you need something Charlie?" I say to he softly. "Can you come play with me!?" She says excitedly. "Of course my little apple now go get the things ready I'll be right behind you ok?" She nodded with a big smile. I look over at Alastor and he looking away from me still pouting. I go up behind he and give him a swift kiss to his cheek and head off to Charlie's room. When I enter Charlie's room she has a princess dress on. "And what are we playing today my princess?" I smile and bow to her and I hear her giggle. I rise up from the bow and sit on a pillow on a ground next to a very low table with tea cups on it. "So my princess what must we discuss on such short notice? I reckon it must be very important!" I say sounding proper and I hear her giggle. "Well Mr. Duck king id like to announce that I have bought a tiger and will gift it to you!" She says smiling brightly. "And what did my ducky kingdom do to receive such a gift?!"I say in a shocked tone while sipping the fake tea. As me and Charlie continue I don't notice alastor watching in the door frame. "Well this gift is a dec-deka-dekaration of war!" She says giggling. *Shocked gasp* "And what had my kingdom done to deserve war?" I say in a playful worried tone. Alastor just laughs silently so neither of us hear. I stand up. "I do not accept this declaration of war! And that's final!" I say in a strict but soft tone. Charlie pulls out a wooden sword. "Then I shall unalive you Mr. Duck King!" She says playfully. She jumps onto me and starts gently hitting me with the sword were both laughing in the process. "You can't unalive me! I shall send my tickle monsters to attack you!" I say as I pick her up and flip her on her back tickling her sides. She bursts out laughing, she laughs so hard tears stream from her eyes. I stand up and pick her up. I throw her into the air and she giggles and asks for it again. I do it a few more times and she soon gets sleepy. "Time for a nap little apple!" She nods, it's never hard to get her to sleep. She enjoys sleeping as much as I do. I take off her dress and lay her in her bed. She soon closes her eyes drifting into a deep sleep. As she is sleeping I begin to quietly pick up her room as it is a bit messy. Once in finish I head towards the door and see Alastor standing there. I shoo him away and shut the door. "why were you at the door al?" I asked confused. "Oh nothing just heard some commotion and came to check to make sure everythings alright." He smiles. I know he's lying but I have no proof so I don't argue on. I then begin to walk towards the living room but he wraps his hands around my waist stopping me. "Al?" He picks me up. "I think it's not just Charlie that needs a nap Lou. You need one also!" He says smiling. "Haha no I don't take naps I'm not a little kid or a baby!" I say pouting as he carries me to my bedroom. He sets me down on the bed. "Either nap or I will leave!~" I gasp a playful one. "You?! Leave me?!? Alone?" I say messing with him. He laughs, that laugh is just so comforting. He lays down beside from where he set me and taps the bed near him. I reluctantly lay beside him soon falling asleep also. I guess I did need a nap. About an hour later Charlie wakes up from a bad dream. (it's only like 3 or 4pm) "Charlie what happened?" I askex concerned as she runs into my room crying but she doesn't wake up Alastor. "I h-had a b-ba-bad dream!" She says in a whisper. "And what happened in this dream little apple?" I asked softly to soothe her crying. "M-mommy left us f-for-forever!" I look at her lovingly. "Charlie your mom did leave. But that's nothing to worry I'm sure she'll come back." I say as she drift off to sleep in my arms. Its true Lilith did disappear once me and Charlie came to earth. And I don't know how much longer we can stay here without someone ruling hell. But I push those thoughts away and lay next to Al and place Charlie beside me. I soon drift off to sleep as well.

// Hello everyone!!! Things will soon slow down as school starts in the morning but I will try and do 1-4 chapters a day! Hope you all have a lovely day or night!!\\

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