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Alastor POV

   As I was heading out of my dear mother's house I noticed a light on in the old run down house next door, or as I like to call it a shack. But I just went on with my evening as it was about 8:30 pm and I did have a radio broadcast to do so I continued walking.
   As I was walking down the street to my radio station I came up on a little doll, I didn't really care about it and wanted to continue walking but something about this doll, gave me an odd feeling as if it was pulling me towards it. But I continued walking ignoring the pull of the doll.
   As I arrived to my station I realized a good friend of mine standing outside the door, I checked the time and decided I have a little time to chat.
  "Well hello Rosie my dear friend,what bring you to the station on this dearly evening?" I asked with a calm yet welcoming tone. "Ah dear Alastor! How have you been? We haven't spoken in a while so I wanted to check in. How's your mother?" She asked with general concern, which i don't get alot. "Ah dear friend Rosie she is doing well the medicine is working and her health is slowly coming back to her. As for me I am doing well the broadcast is doing well and becoming pretty popular. It's also bringing in good money also." I say with a chuckle and my normal smile.
   " Well that's great dear but I must be heading off! Good chatting with you Dear Alastor, and come by anytime to chat I do miss you at times!" She says as she walks away towards her Café. As I look at the time I notice it's almost time for my broadcast, I head inside and turn on the "On Air" sign.
   "Well hello to all you listeners out there And welcome to the top broadcast in Louisiana! I am your host your one and only Alastor! And today per always we will begin with 30 minutes of Jazz break and then I shall return with all the news here in Louisiana! Until I return my fellow listeners!"
   He turned down his microphone and began playing some sweet jazz music,he always played the jazz as it was one way to calm his nerves from earlier in the day from his father. His father was no good man as he would punish Alastor for any small thing he did wrong. And how he punished him you ask?
   Well he wouldn't exactly physically hurt him but he would hurt his mother. His father would beat, stab, and even throw his mother across rooms. This made his blood boil but alas his father was much more powerful that what Alastor was. Alastor is now 27 and now lives in his own place across from his mother so he could always check up on her.
   He always made sure to go when his father wasn't home so he would not hurt his mother in any way shape or form. But back to the present! As the thirty minutes jazz time ended he raised the sound for the mic and spoke.
   "Anddd Welcome back listeners as I am the host as always Alastor bringing you the best station in Louisiana! I now have the latest news, Earlier today there was a fire in the local police station today, many died as they do not have an exact number yet as they are still uncovering rubble and burnt pieces. But I will let all you listeners know if I get any further information! As for the news cast tomorrow it will be sunny, with a small chance of rain in the evenings! And that's all for the informations today folks! Tune in tomorrow for more jazz and the latest news! Goodnight Louisiana!"
   He said as he turned off the mic and put a 30 minute long jazz playlist for the last half hour. He then sat for the last 30 minutes listening to the jazz music, as it ended he turned off the "On Air" sign and began locking the station.
   Once he exited the station it was now 9:30 pm and he was debating on if he wanted to go home or get a drink at Rosie's. He decided to go to Rosie's as yes they may have talked earlier but that was small talk and he also enjoyed Rosie's company.
   As he arrived to the café he saw that it was empty and it closes at 10 and it was only 9:45. He walked in and was greeted with Rosie's familiar greeting. "Ah Alastor! So nice to chat again that's not just small talk! So what happened as you normally come for advice. Did something happen?" She said concerned. I just chuckled "Ah no actually nothing has happened I just came to chat and have a drink." As the two friends chat the time flies by it is now 1am. "Well Rosie it was very nice chatting but I must be on my way home. It was nice talking to you!"
   He walked out as she waved to him as he then shut the door and began the walk home. His home wasn't far from the café just a 15 minute walk. As he arrived on his street he saw that same shack, the light was still on so now he got suspicious. He walked to the front porch and knocked. Who opened the door he was surprised to see, a small short man in a white T-shirt and Black sweat pants, his hair was kept neat as it was short and blonde.
   "Well hello there dear fellow the names Alastor pleasure to meet you, quite a pleasure!" He looked at the short man awaiting an answer as it soon came "Well hello Alastor pleasure meeting you as well the names Lucifer but you can call me lou for short." Alastor was surprised at the name "Lucifer? As in the devil?" His face could not hide the surprised expression it held.
   "Ah yes sadly but please call me lou. And may I ask why you are knocking on my door at 1:20 in the morning?" He looked at Alastor suspiciously. "Ah well I wanted to make sure there was no teenagers ruing the place on the inside as I saw the light on but it seems that's not the case. Have a Good night Lucifer." He said as he walked away smiling his big creepy smile.
   The sound of Lucifers name made him mad but he shut the door and continued what he was doing. As Alastor arrived home he took a shower and went to sleep not wanting to wake ever again. He soon aroused at around 5:30 am in the morning.

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