How can I live without you?

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Lucifer POV

Lucifer sat patiently on the bed, his back aching already. Soon he perked up as he heads Alastor coming back from the bathroom. "Is it ready?!" He says excitedly. Alastor smiles and nods.
Lucifer attempts to stand again and falls but Alastor catches him in time. "Falling for me again are we?" Alastor asked smugly, Lucifer just rolled his eyes. "Let's just go get cleaned up and go to bed I'm exhausted." Lucifer replied yawning. Alastor nodded, picking Lucifer up bridal style.
In the bathroom Alastor stood me up leaning me against the wall. I watched as he grabbed the soap we needed. "Is the water the right temp Luci?" Alastor asked over his shoulder. "Yep! It's perfect!" I replied sleepily but still giving him a smile.
I watched as he came back with the soap. It was my apple scented one. Alastor helped me into the shower and he got in after me. He lathered up the soap and helped me wash my body and he soon washed his.
He turned me around my back facing him and I soon became confused. Soon I felt his hands in my hair, I didn't plan on washing my hair but I guess he did. He was so gentle with it and I leaned back into his touch. He chuckled.
"Didn't know you liked your head massaged or cleaned Luci." Alastor said softly. I laughed at his comment. "Well it feels nice, plus with stress building it's quite calming." Alastor tilts his head as he takes his hand away and I wash out the shampoo in my hair. "Stress? What's stressing you out my love?" I squeeze out the extra water left in my hair, then I look at him sadly. "Al me and Charlie leave tomorrow." A spread of shock covered his face then it reverts to sadness. "I didn't realize it was so soon." He looked down sadly. I gently cup his face with one of my hands.

Alastor POV

I feel his hand gently cup my cheek and I lean into it. "Don't worry Al, I'll always be in hell waiting. But promise me you will love out your life and not create suicide after I leave." He replied softly a hint of sadness in his voice. He's ruining my plan damnit he figured it out. "I promise my dear Lucifer." I say kissing his palm.
"Now how about we go to bed dear, your tired." I replied with a smile. I watch him yawn, he's so cute, I can't believe he's leaving tomorrow. (It's 2am on a Monday he leaves Tuesday, they are talking as if it's alr Monday. Which it is, you get it 😁) I pick Lucifer up and dry him off. "Duck pj's or my clothes?" I ask holding up two outfits for him to choose from. "Yours." He replied sleepily.
I get him dressed and soon after dress myself. His soaps smell very good, when he leaves I'll keep buying that soap so I can smell like him. I smile at that thought. One way to keep him with me. I pick him up and his eyes slowly close as he relaxes in my arms. I smile softly. I walk back into the room and lay him on the bed. I noticed his costume on the floor and pick it up, I place it back in it's bag along with the accessories.
I walk back over to the bed to see Lucifer sleeping peacefully. I soon lay beside him hoping to not wake him up. Once I'm settled beside him I run my fingers through his hair. It's so soft! What am I going to do without him?
I begin thinking of what I'm going to do when he leaves. I'm going to move into this house, hopefully he will leave the furniture for me. I'll steal some of his clothes to keep! Hahahaha! Anyway.... I soon get lost in thought. After awhile I snap out of it and drift off to sleep.

Third person POV

Lucifer wakes up at around 3:30 am and gets out of bed. He goes to the kitchen to get a glass of water. He gets his glass of water and walks back to the room. He takes a drink and begins thinking. What's it going to be like without Alastor in his life? After awhile tears fell from his face.
He set his cup of water down and sat on the floor in a corner crying. This corner was filled with ducks. He begins crying harder into his hands to muffled the sobs. He noticed he's hyperventilating now and tried to calm down but can't. He's going into a panic attack.
He curls into a ball, his breathing rapid and tears streaming down his face. Soon his vision becomes blurry and he tries to get Alastor but can't. He makes out a few words. "A-al-" he soon passes out from hyperventilation, and lack of oxygen.

Alastor POV

I jolt awake from a nightmare. That's weird! I've never had a nightmare before. He looks around and notices Lucifers not in bed with him. I looks around and soon becomes panicked when i see Lucifers hand sticking out from behind the ducks.
I pretty much fly out of bed and run over to him. I grab his hand noticing the tear stains on his face. He's a little pale. My guess? He might've had a panic attack. I'm not sure though.
I pick him up and carry him back to bed looking down at him sadly. I wonder what made him panic so much. I can ask in the morning. I lay him down on the bed and he starts twitching like crazy. A nightmare probably. "Luci ~" I say in a soft gently calming tone. "Your safe no need to worry." I say softly sitting down in bed beside him.
I run my fingers through his hair and he immediately relaxes. I smile. I truly love him. I hope I'll see him again, I thought to myself. I kiss his forehead and soon lay beside him drifting off to sleep.

//Man this is an early release y'all, so proud of myself! Also I've noticed I write in third person a lot, ifs it's on a specific POV and it switched to third I'm sorry it's an accident!! Anyway hope you enjoyed this chapter and hopefully this whole book so far!! I love you all!!!\\

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