Uh oh!

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Lucifer POV

I awake with the sun rising,it's light filtering in through the window. I sit up, stretch and yawn. I look over at Alastor, he's sleeping peacefully. I tilt my head in awe, I watching him sleep for awhile then decided to get up and make breakfast.
I get out of bed and head to the kitchen. I grab some eggs from the fridge and bacon from the freezer. I grab a pan from a cabinet and check the time. "7am" I sigh out loud. I began cooking the eggs and hear someone get out of bed. I ignore the sound and continue cooking.
As I place the eggs on a plate and place them in the microwave to stay warm I feel something rest on my head. I look up and spot a very sleepy Alastor. I turn off the stove leaving the raw bacon setting on the side and turn around to face him. "Still tired my love?" I smile softly and chuckle. I just received a sleepy "Mhmmm" from him. I chuckled at his response. "Then go back to bed dear!" I say softly, but I get no response. "Al go back to bed your tired." I wrap my arms around his torso. "Not unless you come with me dear." I roll my eyes at his comment. "I'm making breakfast love, go back to bed." He shakes his head no and I sigh. I pick him up bridal style surprising him. "Just because I'm small doesn't mean I'm weak!" I chuckled and make him flustered. I smile and kiss his forehead then carry him to our room
I place him on the bed and give him a soft kiss. "Goodnight Al, I love you." I smile softly at him as he rolls to face away from me drifting off back to sleep. I roll my eyes and walk back out. I head back to the kitchen to finish cooking.
I turn the stove back on and begin cooking the bacon. I'm placing the bacon in the microwave next to the eggs and then...someone picks me up. "Hey! Put me down!" I saw attempting to escape, I then hear a soft chuckle behind me. "Not so fast dear your coming back to bed with me!" I hear him say cheerfully. "No you need sleep and I don't!" I say proudly, he just rolls his eyes at me.
He begins walking towards our room and I grab onto the walls trying to not go. "No! I don't wanna go to bed!" I reply. "Don't be a child dear your still tired, I can see the dark circles under your eyes!~" He says smiling. I soon give up and he enters our room. He set me down on the bed then...
He grabs my chin gently and looks into my eyes. I look back at him confused. "What are you doing Al?" He smiles at me. Suspicious.

Alastor POV

I give him a smile. He looks at me suspiciously. I chuckle. "I don't plan to do anything dear! What makes you think I will?~" I smile at him while still holding his chin up. "Well your smiling at me suspiciously, your holding my chin up to look at you and your still holding me." He replies quickly.
I roll my eyes at his comment and set him down on the bed. I kiss him gently and pull away. He tilts his head again confused. How cute! He looks so so so cute when he does that! I kiss his forehead and grab both his hands. I kiss each hand from the wrist up. I slide my hands under his shirt and I hear his breath hitch. I smile and kiss just under his jaw. I fell him tilt his head back allowing me better access. "I Luci, Luci, Luci! What have you done!~" I say flirtatiously. He blushes and looks away.
I remove my hands from under his shirt and lay back down on the bed. He gasps offended. I smile.

Lucifer POV

I gasped very dramatically. "You do all the and then just LAY BACK IN BED!?" He rolls over and looks at me then nodded. I roll my eyes and lay on the opposite side of the bed as far away from him as possible. I hear him chuckle behind me. I feel him pull me towards him. He grasps me tightly, I attempt to escape but fail miserablely. I accept my defeat and soon drift off back to sleep.
I wake up around 12 in the afternoon and, Alastors gone? I panic then calm back down as I watch him walk out of the bathroom. "Morning sleepy head!" He replies smiling at me. I return the smile and yawn. I sit up and get out of bed. I then realized I was in his shirt. I blush.
I hear him chuckle. "Come on dear let's go eat breakfast!" I nodd and follow him out of the room. Charlie's still asleep. She probably won't wake up until later.

(Time skip!)
Alastor POV

I look at the clock 8pm. I sigh, I need to check up on my mother I haven't seen her in awhile. I've had such a goodday today though. Earlier Charlie woke up and we all colored together in the living room. We also played some bored games. But even with a good day something bad must always happen.
"Lucifer dear, I'm going to go visit my mother I may not come back tonight but do please leave the door unlocked in case I do return." I say softly to him. He looks up from his drawing and stands up, he walks over to me smiling softly. "Okay Al, have fun love you!" He kisses my cheek softly then heads back to Charlie. That little kids gave me butter flies but I shook them away. I opened the door and headed next door to my mother's house.
I knock. No answer, that's weird. I knock again and no answer. I twist the door no and realize it's locked. I grab the spare key that I had and unlocked the door. I walked in and a nasty smell hit me. It was unlike my mother to have the house smell so foul. I walked into the living room and saw her sitting in her chair. The chair was facing away from the entrance so I thought she was asleep. But I was so very wrong. I walk over to her with a smile, but that smile soon disappears as I see her.
I look at her in horror. My mother brutally slaughtered and left to rot in her own home. Fresh blood runs down her face as she looks in one direction lifelessly. It looks as if she was brutally stabbed multiple times in the head and chest. Tears cloud my vision and they soon fall. Then I hear footsteps behind me. Who is it you may ask? Well it's my horrible father covered in my mother's blood.
I look at him then his blood stained clothes. "You...YOU DID THIS!" I yell surprising him as he jumps around. He gives me a smile. "Well of course I did! Who else would?! I mean it's not like she or you ever mattered to me. She was ill anyway going to die soon, so why not end her misery?!" He replied coldly. I glared at him rage sprouting inside of me.
"So you killed her to just get rid of her?! WAS SHE A BURDEN TO YOU?!" I scream at him rage threatening to over come me. "Well of course, she was a burden anyway." He rolled his eyes. "But, now it's your turn to accept the same fate my dear son." He smiled viscously at me. I ran to the kitchen and grabbed the biggest and sharpest knife I could as he came running after me. Once I got a hold of a knife I suddenly felt a sharp pain in my arm. "Shit." I reply quietly. He had stabbed me in my arm. I turn around swinging the knife at him slicing the front of his face open making him fall backwards.
I grab my arm as pain shoot up through it. I look at my downed father and jump on top of him. I begin brutally stabbing him in the chest. I first slice his throat so he can't scream, then I stab him upside the head. After that I begin stabbing over and over into his chest. He's already dead but I couldn't stop. Soon I came to my senses and realized what I had done.
I stood up and stepped over my "father's" dead body and walked over to my mother. I got down on my knees and looked at her lifeless face. "I'm so sorry mama!" I say tears clouding my eyes and falling nonstop. I grab my mother's cold, lifeless, hand and kiss it gently. I then go out into the back yard and began digging.
I dug a hole for my mother to rest in. I headed back inside and picked up her limp body. I walked outside tears falling down my face again. I gently laid her down in the hole closing her eyes. I grabbed a white rose from her garden, one of her favorites and placed it on top of her. I then began shoveling dirt on top of her. Once I finish I place another rose on top of the homemade grave. I look down and cry for awhile.
I soon get back up and head back inside to the other dead body. I pick it up, well more like drag it out of the house. I head towards the woods behind the neighborhood. It was very late and pitch black so no one could've saw him. He throws the body into a deep dark creek. He watched the body fall smiling with pleasure as he heard the bones snap as it fell. He turned around and headed towards Lucifers house. He soon arrived on the porch a sad expression on his face a he reminesed the memories he had with his mother. He then soon knocked on the door...

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