A love confession with cuddles!!

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Alastor POV

I continue putting in Lucifers room after he leaves. I feel sad? After he left. I get up and go towards the living room wanting to find him so I can cuddle and forgive him. I find him fast asleep on the couch. He looks so peaceful and calm. I walk over to where he's sleeping and kiss his forehead making him stir and open his eyes. "Al?" I hear him whisper. I smile at his voice and gently pick him up. As I hold in my arms bridal style he yawns. My smile grows softer and I kiss his cheek. "What are you doing up Al?" He whispers to me after his yawns he's still half asleep. "Well I needed my cuddle buddy so I can sleep, oh and I forgive you." I give him a soft smile and he returns it. I walk towards his room, well it's more like our room, but anyway. I open the door silently and place him on the bed. He sits crisscross and waits for me to join him. I walk around towards the other side of the bed and lay down he lays next to me but doesn't touch me. I close my eyes and pull him close to me, my face snuggled against his chest. I hear him giggle softly and I look up at him. He's smiling and running his hands through my hair. It's very calming to me. He curls his legs up and wraps and arm around my head the other still running through my hair. It's weird having Lucifers head above mine and his legs close to my chest but I'm fine with it. He continues running his hand through my hair and I relax even more my smile slowly going away. This occasion is rare, I'm almost never so relaxed that my smile even fades away. Lucifer makes me feel so happy,relaxed and accepted, and even loved. I haven't felt loved ever since my mother passed on. But no sad thoughts right now just happy ones. I look up at Lucifer, his eyes are closed but I know he's not asleep. "Luci?" I ask softly. He opens his eyes and notices I'm not smiling. "You okay? Your not smiling." He asks concern in his voice. I chuckled softly. "Yes dear I'm fine I'm just so relaxed that I don't wanna smile." I give him a reassured look. "Okay but are you happy, if you want me to go into the living room i-" I cover his mouth. "Just because I'm not smiling doesn't mean I'm not happy or want you to leave my love." I cover my mouth. I just called him "my love?!?!" I see him blush even in the darkness and I bury my face back into his chest. I'm blushing like a maniac but I feel his soft hands pull my face up. "Your love? I'm yours now?" I see him smirk and I become even more flustered. I mean I think, no I know I love him but I don't know if he loves me. I'm positive he does but I'm still cautious. I snuggle back into his chest and nod. I hear him chuckle softly and can feel him smiling at me. "Well then...Imma guess you love me huh?'' he says softly. I look back up at him and nod to flustered to speak. "Well Al that's not a bad thing it's a good thing! Have you ever been in a relationship?" "No I haven't." I reply softly. He smiles "that's okay, I get the honors of being your one and only true love!" He says enthusiasticly. I smile. "yes your are, my one and only." I kiss his lips softly, and he returns the kiss. I pull away from his soft, very soft lips and look at him in the eyes. All I see is love in them nothing else. "You should sleep Al it's getting late and don't you have a broadcast tomorrow?" I sigh I don't wanna sleep yet I wanna stay with him and cuddle forever. "Yes I do have a broadcast sadly, but I don't wanna sleep yet." He tilts his head a little. "And whys that Al?" He looks at me curiously. Oh his beautiful eyes... Ugh no tell him don't admire him. "Because of we fall asleep then tomorrow comes faster then I don't get to cuddle you more." He just laughs softly. "Al we can cuddle all your heart desires tomorrow. At least until you go to do your broadcast that is." He says a little sadly but that sadness fades quickly. I just cuddle him closer. "Well look who's the clingy and needy one now hm?" I hear him say and chuckle to himself. I am being more affectionate towards him lately, but I don't put much thought towards it. "Well how else can I show you my love for you?" He thinks for a moment. "Good point." "Do you want me to stop cuddling you?" I ask sadly. He panics. "Oh no no no no! I was just messing around and teasing please don't stop or leave!" I just chuckled."I'll never stop or leave even if you want me to. Your stuck with me for eternity!" I say happily and I feel him relax again. He smiles and closes his eyes laying his head on top of mine. Oh how I love his so very much. If anyone even put a thought to hurting or taking him from me well I very well might just go crazy. But that will never happen. He's mine and Im his... Forever. Soon I hear his breathing slow meaning he fell asleep, which is good Charlie has been a handful lately. Maybe I can get Rosie to watch her one day so me and Luci could have a day to ourselves. I hope that wouldn't seem selfish in anyway but Lucifer deserves a day or two without Charlie. I know he loves her but she's tired him out so much. But of course I love her like my own child. Now I'm wondering why lucis wife left him. Or why he left her. I push the thought away. I soon slowly fall asleep into lucifers chest breathing softly and fading into the night with my one and only true love with me.

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