Morning bonding!

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Alastor POV

   I wake up in the morning to Lucifer cuddling something that wasn't me but he was still pressed against me. I look to see who he was cuddling and it was...Charlie? I laugh quietly. I sit up and kiss his forehead. He shuffles a bit and parts open his eyes. "Al? Why are you up so early?" He asks sleepily. "Well dear I'm going to make breakfast!" I say warmly. "No you do that every morningggg!" I hear him mumble. "Well do you want to cook it?" I hear him grumble then he pops up out of bed with messy hair and a sleepy face. I smile, I've never seen him like this. Or at least paid much attention to him in the mornings. He gets up carefully to not wake Charlie and he drags me to the kitchen. He grabs the pans and eggs and potatoes. "We con both cook together!" He gives me a sleepy grin and I laugh. "Okay then! So what are we making?" I ask curiously. "We're making eggs and hash browns! But the hash browns are easy to make from scratch. I'll show you!" He grabs the cheese grater and some potatoes. He stands behind me as I sit in a chair. He picks up a potato and runs it along the grater. Then he grabs my hand gliding the potato down the grater. He leads me through the steps speaking softly. I nodd letting him know I understand. He walks over to the stove and begins cooking some scrambled egg. I listen as I hear him hum a little tune and I begin to him along. I watch him pull out a radio and the exact tune we were humming begins to play. My face brightens and I stand up and go over behind him and gently grab his waist and turn him around. He gets surprised and I take his hands and begin to dance in the kitchen humming to the tune. Once he realizes what's happening I see his face light up and he begins to sing with me. We sing and dance all around the kitchen. And apparently our singing woke Charlie and she came and began dancing with us. I pick up Charlie and put her on top of my shoulders and spin Lucifer into a twirl. He spins back and now we're all singing together. It's like we're a real family. Wait no...I can't have a family with him. He's a male. I quickly push  the thought away to not ruin the moment. We dance and sing to the end of the song. I pull Lucifer towards me to end the dancing with the song and we all laugh and Charlie hugs my head. I look up at her and smile. "My eggs!! There burnt!" He begins laughing and me and Charlie join in. I take Charlie off of my shoulders and she runs into the living room. Probably to go draw or play with some of her toys. Lucifer is still laughing but is calming down. I see a tear fall from his face. "Why are you crying my dear?" I rush over to him to see what the problem is. I place my hand on his cheek and he leans into and smiles at me. "It's just I haven't been so happy in a long time. But thanks to you make me and Charlie happy!" He starts crying while smiling and hugs me. I hug him back smiling in return. He pulls away from the hug and kisses my cheek. He goes back to his pan of burnt eggs and leaves me frozen. Why does his kiss, or touch do this to me. It makes me feel happy? Excited? Like I wanna be with him forever? I thought I figured out these feelings but maybe I haven't? I snap out of my trance as Lucifer asks. "You okay Al? Don't forget about the hash browns" he says kindly. "Oh yea!" I go back to making the hash browns as he begins cooking a new batch of eggs. I finish making enough hash browns for everyone. Well they're half way done as they aren't cooked yet. Lucifer sets the eggs on a plate and begins cooking the hash browns and begins humming to himself. I wash my hands and go up behind him and wrap my arms around the waist. "Yes Al?" He asks as I set my head on his shoulder as he continues cooking. "Clingy today hmm?" I chuckled. "What does clingy mean dear?" He freezes then snaps out of it. "You don't know what clingy means?!" He asks in a high pitched voice. I laugh. "No dear I don't." I say now wondering what it means. "Well Al clingy means like in a lovely mood or wanting to be near someone and get all of their attention and all of their love for awhile or all day!" He says cheerily. I nod. "Well maybe I am feeling that way today?" I say and this makes him blush. "Al let go I gotta put this food on the table it's finished." I squeeze tighter not wanting to let go. "Allll, c'mon I don't wanna burn this either it's a waste of food." I sigh and let him go, he smiles and takes the food over to the table and places it on a mat. "Charlie foods ready!" Lucifer calls and she comes running in giggling! "What's so funny Charlie?" I ask her curious as to what peaked her amusement. "Well daddy loves you and you love daddy!" She says happily then shoves food in her face. Me and Lucifer freeze then blush at her comment. We eat in silence other than Charlie's giggling. After breakfast me and Lucifer and I are still flustered but he speaks up..."hey Al?"...

   // I hope you guys enjoy this cute little chapter it made me smile just writing it and I hope it puts a smile on your face also!"

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