Ch 15 evidence

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Jason blinked standingstood in his room, astonished. He couldn't believe what had happened.
First of all, Skyler had some creepy figure stalking her as well as an even creepier psychic lady.
But more importantly...
He touched a hand to the cheek Skyler had kissed. It was tingling and felt raw.
Skyler had kissed him! On the cheek, but it still counts! And he was pretty sure that they had been holding hands almost all day. Skyler actually liked him.
The realization had stunned him. At first he hadn't been sure but... a kiss on the cheek? There was no way of making that platonic! Unless they lived in fFrance. tThey didn't, so his statement still stood.

He sat down on the edge of his bed, head spinning. At last, it registered.
"Skyler likes me back..." he murmured, beginning to smile. "Skyler finally has a crush on me!" The more he said it, the happier he felt.
"I have a chance with Skyler Oakland!" His voice rose, giddy with excitement.
It had taken a long time but the wait had been so worth it. After all, they knew each other so well. fFriends since kindergarten. She might not remember but he did. Skyler had met Jason even before Ella. That is how well they knew each other.

He lay on his bed and sighed, grinning from ear to ear. He had been waiting for this his entire life and now it was reality.
Still stuck in a daydream, Jason flinched when his phone buzzed.
He drowsily picked it up.
He lifted it to his ear. "Hello?" He asked dreamily.
A boy's voice answered him.
"Hey Jason."
Jason flinched, startled.
"Peter? hHow did you get my number?"
Peter answered him, saying,.
"I think we started off on the wrong foot. As for how I got the number, don't worry about it."
Jason frowned. He hesitated. "Why are you calling?"
Peter sighed. "It seems that you have convinced yourself that I am crushing on your girlfriend."
Jason's face turned red. "She isn't my, uh, girlfriend." He blushed but Peter laughed.
"You're kidding right? She held your hand all period and she wouldn't stop flirting with you-"
"She was protecting me from the red head weirdo!" Jason insisted.
Peter ignored him. "If you haven't gotten together already then you have issues bro. You need to make a move already."
Jason scoffed.
"This is a prank right?"
Peter chuckled. "nNo, I just wanted to make sure you knew that I have no intention of dating Skyler at all."
Jason paused.
"Nothing? You don't think about her at night?"
Peter answered. "No, do you?" Hhe teased.
Jason tried to ignore him, embarrassed.
"Maybe... but that's not the point. I don't want to make a move because I want her to be comfortable."
Peter interrupted him. "Okay but I promise you, she is like an annoying first grader who follows people everywhere. Not gonna lie, You guys are also the only friends I've ever had and I just want us all to get along. Wouldn't Skyler be happy if we put our differences aside and became friends?" Hhe prompted.
Jason waited a few minutes before sighing. "You're right, but, just to be clear, Skyler is mine, okay?"
Peter snorted. "Uh, yeah, I noticed."
Jason felt amusement well inside him.
"So is there anything else you want to say or... does that pretty much wrap this up?"
He frowned awkwardly when Peter didn't answer. He held the phone closer to his ear. "Peter? You there, man?"
Jason flinched when he heard Peter's gasp over the line.
Another pause happened before the blonde spoke.
"Uh, Jason, you might want to take a look at the news..."
Jason tilted his head walking down stairs to the living room.
He blushed, remembering how Skyler had fallen asleep on his shoulder on this exact couch a few days ago.
Shaking away the memory, he grabbed the remote and turned on the TV.

The screen was overwhelmed with flashing lights and he squinted. Police cars swarmed on the scene. Yellow police tape framed the area and in the middle of the crime sat a black car.
"-homicide. tTime of crime, 10:30 pm." A cop reported, writing it down.
Jason gasped when they zoomed in on a lady lying Llifeless on the street. Her long hair was bushed out in all directions and her eyes had clouded over. The woman's state reminded him of Skyler having a vision. This time though, he knew the lady was dead.

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