Chapter 41

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Abhay was ready with his backpack. Aditi hugged him and said, "Come back soon." Abhay nodded, left, and Karan followed him. Outside, Abhay asked, "Karan, was she okay last night?"

Karan nodded and replied, "Yes, I called Varnika, and she said she was with her last night." Abhay shifted his gaze to the sun and declared, "Okay, let's leave now."

Aditi entered and settled on the couch. She opened her laptop and made a call.

"Did you do as I instructed?" A girl responded from the other side, "Yes, I have sent all the Pratap firm's debt documents to you."

Aditi ended the call and began working on her laptop. Finally, she smiled satisfactorily and leaned back on the couch. "You're in a lot of debt, Yug Pratap Singh. And the only way out is the project from Sydney your company secures every time. Well, not this time, sweetheart."

She grabbed her laptop and stepped outside.


Yug was sitting on his chair in discomfort. He banged his hand on the table and said, "That bitch got saved yesterday. Why the hell? No no no I won't let you sleep peacefully even for a single night." 

Nikhil was sitting on his chair, oblivious to everything. He looked at Yug and said, "Sir, if we don't secure this project then..." Yug interrupted loudly, "Shut up. We always secure it, and this time will be no different."

"Sir, shouldn't you have gone then? Why send the CEO? He's new; what if he makes a mistake?" Nikhil questioned. Yug crumpled a paper and replied tersely, "Leave. I'm not in the mood to talk."

Nikhil stood and exited.

Yug crumpled another paper and hurled it at the door. Ishaan entered, dodging it. "Dude, chill. What's with all the anger?"

Yug stared at him, eyes red. Ishaan sat, propping his feet on the table. "So, this is a first for you," he remarked, lighting a cigarette.

Yug asked in confusion, "What do you mean?" Ishaan let out a wave of smoke in the air and asked, "Did you get intimate for the first time." Yug looked at him with a disgusted look and opened his laptop. 

Ishaan said mocking him, "That is why you are craving for her body. The more we do the less it feels. I think you should go to a bar or something it would help you. Stop torturing your wife for no reason." 

Yug slammed his laptop shut in frustration and rose from his chair. Approaching Ishaan, he grabbed his collar. "If you don't have a plan, then leave. I have no use for traitors like you, you womanizer."

Ishaan maintained his composure and replied, "I know someone who can assist you, Yug, and Abhay will never suspect them." He placed a business card on the table and departed. Yug picked it up and examined the details.

At that moment, Nikhil entered without knocking.

Aditi was busy in her office when there was a knock at the door. She invited the person in. Her assistant entered and inquired, "Ma'am, you've rescheduled all the documents and meetings for tomorrow."

Aditi nodded and queried, "And?" The assistant hesitated before asking, "Ma'am, may I ask... why?" Aditi gave her a stern look. "Myra, I've told you countless times not to be nervous around me. Be confident and direct when you speak or ask anything of anyone, not just me."

Myra acknowledged her advice.

"Myra, I've cleared my schedule because today is my live drama show. I can't miss it," Aditi explained with a smile, glancing at her laptop screen.

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