chapter 6

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At home

Iris reached home before Taehyung because she was not feeling good in college. As she entered the apartment, she sighed in relief and collapsed onto the couch. She felt exhausted and wanted nothing more than to just relax and unwind after a long day at college.

Iris: Ughh, why am I so tired today!?!

She groaned in protest, not wanting to leave the comfort of the couch. The thought of cooking a meal after a long day of classes seemed like a daunting task. But her stomach's grumble reminded her of her hunger, and she knew she couldn't ignore it for too long.She pondered for a moment, realizing that she did have the option to order food instead of cooking.

Iris: Wait...... today I can just order. Nothing will happen in ordering food for one day.

The idea of not having to cook and still satisfying her hunger appealed to her weary mind.

Iris: You know what, you're right. Screw cooking, I'm ordering food today.

she mumbled to herself, reaching for her phone to order something delicious and satisfying.She order a pizza, burger and french fries and  dragged herself off the couch and walked into her room.

As she collapsed onto her bed, the exhaustion from the day finally catching up to her. Iris closed her eyes and drifted into a peaceful nap, waiting for the sound of the doorbell to announce the arrival of her ordered food.

Taehyung also came home, as he entered the apartment, he noticed the dim lighting and the sound of gentle breathing coming from Iris's room.

He walked over to Iris's room and saw that the door wasn't fully closed. He paused for a moment, feeling a mix of annoyance and concern. A nagging voice in his head told him to just leave her alone, but his instincts got the better of him. He gently pushed the door open and peeked inside, his eyes falling on Iris sleeping peacefully on the bed.

Taehyung: Wow!! miss troublemaker is sleeping with door open.

He couldn't help but quietly scoff at the sight. Iris was usually the one stirring up trouble, but now she was peacefully asleep with the door open. He shook his head, muttering under his breath.

Taehyung: Unbelievable... can't even bother to close the damn door.

He went to his own room and quickly changed into a grey t-shirt and a pair of comfortable boxers. He felt a bit irritated with how casually Iris had left her door open, but he knew he should just mind his own business and ignore it. He walked out of his room and went to the living room, his mind already thinking of what to spend the rest of his evening doing.

He was about to sit down on the couch when the sound of the doorbell echoed through the apartment. He let out a small sigh and walked towards the door, opening it to find the delivery person holding a paper bag filled with the food Iris had ordered.

Taehyung: Oh! Nice timing! (He smirked)

He thanked the delivery person and took the paper bag, realizing that the food had arrived just at the right time. A small smirk tugged at his lips as he carried the food into the living room, noticing the distinct aroma of pizza, burger, and french fries wafting through the air. Suddenly the delivery man stopped him.

Delivery man: But it was ordered by miss iris and you don't look like you're "Iris".
Taehyung: Oh, my mistake, the food is actually ordered by my.......................  g-girlfriend, yeah she's my girlfriend.  I'll just give it to her when she wakes up.

He smirked a bit, enjoying the little white lie he had just used. He had no intention of giving Iris the food, at least not yet. He planned to keep the food for himself, thinking it would be an amusing way to annoy Iris when she woke up and realized her food had been taken.

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