Iris entered the classroom and took her usual seat, she was surprised to find Jackson already there. He was sitting in his seat, scrolling through his phone, not noticing her arrival at first.
Iris: Hii Jackson, guess what?
Jackson: Hey, Iris. What's up? What am I guessing?Iris's eyes sparkled with excitement, barely concealing her eagerness to share her news. She leaned slightly closer to Jackson and spoke in a hushed tone, her voice filled with excitement.
Iris: Okay, so guess what happened to me this morning?
Jackson: Hmm, let me guess. You won the lottery?
Iris: No, you idiot. Guess again!
Jackson: Ow, rude! Okay, okay. Let me think...He pretended to think deeply, tapping his chin for a moment before speaking again.
Jackson: You won a trip to some fancy island?
Iris: Nope, not even close. One more guess, and if you get it right, I'll treat you to coffee after class.
Jackson: Oh really? Well, now I'm gonna have to put some serious thought into it. Hmmm.............Alright, last guess... You won the competition to become a model on a catwalk at a huge fashion show?
Iris: You're so far off, but I'll give you an A for effort. Your guess was entertaining, I'll say that. Sorry, no coffee for you today, my friend.
Jackson: Ah, I was so close! I really thought I had it that time. I'm heartbroken. How will life go on without that cup of coffee?
Iris: Don't worry, Jackson. There will be other opportunities for you to get free coffee. Maybe next time you'll guess correctly, and then I'll make good on that promise.
Jackson: You're right. I'll just have to try harder next time. So, since my coffee dreams are shattered, mind telling me what actually happened?
Iris: Well, I received the invitation to that really cool party hosted by the seniors. I've been looking forward to it all morning!
Jackson: Ah, so you got the invite after all. Congrats! I knew you'd be on the guest list. You're popular, after all.
Iris: I'm so happy. I'll attend the party after ages.
Jackson: That's the spirit! It'll be a great opportunity to have a good time and socialize. And who knows, maybe you'll meet someone special there.
Iris:Maybe! Or just shut your mouth.
Jackson: Okay, okay, I'll shut my mouth. Just don't bite my head off.
Iris: 🙄
Jackson: You know, it's cute how grumpy you get sometimes. It's like a little ball of feisty energy.
Iris: I'm not grumpy, I just say what's on my mind. And I can be feisty if I want to be. It's part of my charm.Taehyung entered the class . He quietly took a seat, scanning the room with observant eyes. As his gaze landed on Jackson and Iris, he couldn't help but notice Iris sitting there, wearing his favorite shirt. An unexpected wave of irritation washed over him as he realized she was wearing his shirt and talking to Jackson, who seemed all too chummy with her.
Taehyung: Hey! What are you doing wearing my shirt?
Iris: Your shirt?
Taehyung: Yes, my shirt. Don't play dumb. I recognize it, and it's obviously mine.
Jackson: Yes I was about to ask the same, what are you doing in his shirt?Taehyung shot a glare at Jackson, disliking the overly casual tone he was using. He then turned his attention back to Iris, who looked a bit flustered at being caught.
Taehyung: That's what I'd like to know. Iris?
Iris: Well, I kinda grabbed it without thinking. I was in a rush this morning and just grabbed the first shirt I saw. I didn't realize it was yours.
Taehyung: So, you're telling me, you just happened to grab the closest shirt without even checking whose it was? And it just happened to be mine?
Iris: Look, I was in a hurry. I was half asleep, and I didn't think it was a big deal. It's just a shirt, right? It's not like I stole something important And Let's not talk about it in class. Come outside with me.Iris led the way out of the class, with Taehyung following behind her. They found a secluded spot in the hallway, far enough away from the main corridors to avoid eavesdroppers.
Taehyung turned to face Iris once they were alone, his eyes intense and his voice laced with irritation.Taehyung: Alright, we're alone now. Care to explain why you casually decided to wear my shirt without asking?
Iris:I already told you, I was in a hurry and I didn't check whose shirt it was. I just grabbed it and threw it on. I didn't think it was a big deal.
Taehyung: Seriously, Iris? 'I didn't think it was a big deal'? Do you have any idea how disrespectful that is? That's my favorite shirt, and you just helped yourself to it without even asking.
Iris: It's just a shirt, right? It's not like I stole your money or something!
Taehyung: It's not just a damn shirt, Iris! It's my shirt, and you should have the decency to ask before taking it. It's about respect for other people's belongings, something you seem to have no understanding of!
Iris: Alright, I get it. I shouldn't have just taken your shirt without asking. It was a mistake. But can you relax a bit? You're making a big deal out of a simple shirt.
Taehyung: You think it's just a simple shirt? It's not just about the shirt, Iris. It's about boundaries and respect. You can't just help yourself to someone else's things whenever you feel like it.
Iris: Just shut up now. I didn't make such a big issue when you accidentally backhugged me.
Taehyung: That was completely different, and you know it. Backhugging someone by accident is not the same as taking someone's shirt without permission.
Iris: Oh, really? So, I can't accidentally grab your shirt, but you can accidentally backhug me? Nice double standard there.
Taehyung: That's different, and you know it. The backhug was an accident. You deliberately took my shirt without asking.
Iris: Oh, I see. So when you accidentally do something, it's just an innocent mistake, but when I do it, it's a big deal. Hypocritical much, huh?
Taehyung: It's not hypocritical, and you know it. You're always careless and impulsive, and you never think before acting. It's annoying as hell.
Iris: Alright! What you want me to do now? Undress in the corridor just to give your shirt back then you'll be happy!!
Taehyung: What?! Are you crazy!? No, I don't want you to undress in the corridor. Just give me the shirt back, damn it!
Iris: Oh, come on, Taehyung, I wasn't serious. I was just messing with you. But alright, if you want the shirt back so badly, here it is.She slowly started to take off the shirt, purposely teasing him by doing it in a slow and deliberate manner. Taehyung's eyes widened as he saw her actually start to take off the shirt. He hastily looked away, his cheeks turning red.
Taehyung: What the hell are you doing?! I said give me the shirt, not strip in front of me!
Iris: Relax, Taehyung. I'm just giving you your precious shirt back. Isn't that what you wanted?
Taehyung: Fine, you can keep the shirt for now. But give it back to me once you're home. And stop being so damn stubborn and careless all the time.
Iris: Well, if you insist. But don't worry, I'll be sure to take good care of your precious shirt while I have it.
Taehyung: Just take good care of the damn shirt, alright? And try to be less careless and impulsive for once in your life.Taehyung watched as Iris walked away from him, her cheerful demeanor seemingly unaffected by their argument. He let out a frustrated sigh, realizing he'd gotten nowhere with her.
Taehyung: Damn it!! Why does she have to be so damn stubborn and careless all the time? she'll make me insane.But she' OMG Taehyung. Stop it. You have probably gone mad.

"Opposite Attracts" ||Kim Taehyung FF||
Fanfiction||Enemies to Lovers|| 18+ Taehyung: No! There's only one thing possible between us. Iris: And what's that one thing, huh? Taehyung: Either you will Twinkle in my darkness or I will glow in your light. Iris: you won't glow but you will burn. you wi...