chapter 35

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Taehyung was behind the wheel of his car, driving aimlessly through the city. His mind was preoccupied with conflicting thoughts, his hands gripping the steering wheel tightly. He had left the apartment in a rush, desperate to get away from her, but the image of her was still etched in his mind.

To distract himself, he decided to stop by his favorite coffee shop to grab a drink. Maybe a strong cup of coffee would help to clear his thoughts.
Taehyung spent the whole day roaming around the city, going from one place to another without any clear destination in mind.

He aimlessly wandered the streets, visiting cafes, parks, and other places to pass the time. He didn't want to go back to the apartment, not yet. The memory of her was still too present in his mind, and he needed space and time to sort through the confusing emotions swirling within him.

The afternoon had passed, and Iris found herself growing more and more restless, her thoughts revolving around Taehyung and the man from earlier.Unable to shake off her curiosity, she decided to check through the peephole to see if the strange man was still there.
Peering through the tiny hole, she was surprised to find the man was still there waiting outside

Iris's heart sank as she caught sight of the man still waiting outside. His presence instilled a sense of unease in her, and she couldn't shake off the feeling that there was something more to his unexpected appearance.
Taking a step back from the door, she tried to calm her thoughts, but her mind kept racing with questions and worries. Why was that man still there? What did he want from her?

Iris: What should I do!!!

As the thoughts swirling through her mind grew more and more frenzied, Iris found herself at a loss for what to do. The sight of the persistent stranger outside her door left her feeling vulnerable and uneasy. Should she seek help? Call the police? Or should she confront him directly? She took a deep breath, trying to calm her racing heart and thinking through her options.

Iris: Taehyung!
Yes... Taehyung. I should call him.

As Iris considered her options, one solution came to mind - Taehyung.
He was her roommate after all, and he should be aware of the strange man at their door.Without hesitation, Iris quickly grabbed her phone and started scrolling through the numbers her fingers shaking slightly with anticipation.

Iris: where is it?? he called me that day!

she still haven't saved his number.
she found one of the numbers and it was Taehyung's .

Iris: Come on, pick up, pick up.

She found Taehyung's number and immediately clicked on the call, her heart racing as she waited for the call to connect.  she mumbled to herself, the tension building within her as the phone rang.

As Taehyung pulled out his phone and saw the name "princess💋" on the caller ID, a mix of surprise and curiosity washed over him. His heart skipped a beat, and he couldn't help but let out a small, reluctant smirk.

Taehyung: What does she want?

He hit the answer button and lifted the phone to his ear, his heart beating a little faster than usual.

Taehyung: Hello.

he said, his voice cool and measured, betraying none of the inner turmoil he was feeling.

Iris: Hello!! Taehyung?

Taehyung couldn't help but notice the slight hint of anxiety in her voice, and he felt a pang of concern. He leaned back against the plush leather seat of his car and responded.

Taehyung: Yeah, it's me. What's up?
Iris: Where are you?

Taehyung: I'm out right now. Why do you ask?
Iris: Can you come home , please??

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