chapter 20

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The door was already opened . Iris entered and was shocked to see Amy there.Amy turned in surprise, her eyes widening as she saw Iris standing in the doorway. She hadn't expected anyone else to be there, and now she was caught off guard.

Amy: Iris...?
Iris: Sorry to disturb you! I'll just...... I'll just go to my room.

Iris was caught off guard by Taehyung's sudden grip on her wrist, preventing her from retreating into her room. She looked at him quizzically, wondering what was going on.

Taehyung: Princess! I told you to come sooner. Didn't I?
Iris: Yes, you did, and I came here as soon as I could. You don't have to grab my wrist, you know.(Iris rolled her eyes)
Amy: Pri......princess! (Amy whispered in confusion)

Iris glanced from Taehyung to Amy, sensing the tense atmosphere and picking up on Amy's whispered words. She raised an eyebrow, silently questioning what was going on here.
Taehyung's grip on Iris' wrist loosened a little, but he didn't completely let go. He seemed on edge, his eyes darting between Iris and Amy.

Amy: what's between you two?
Iris: there's nothing between us. (Nonchalantly)

she tried to let go of his hand but Taehyung kept his grip on Iris' wrist, refusing to let her go just yet. He looked at her intently.

Taehyung: Nothing?

Iris held his gaze, annoyance starting to bubble up within her. She tugged her wrist once more, but Taehyung's grip remained firm.

Iris: Yes, nothing. We're just acquainted, that's all.
Taehyung: Are you shy princess? don't be, we both know what we are to each other.

Iris' cheeks flushed involuntarily at Taehyung's words, but she quickly composed herself. She shot a glare at him, silently telling him to keep his mouth shut.

Iris: Taehyung, don't be ridiculous. We are nothing more than roomates.
Taehyung: just roommates, huh? Is that how roommates act around each other?

Iris gasped as Taehyung suddenly pulled her into his arms, caught off guard by his unexpected move. She tried to push away, but he held her tightly against him, a hint of a smirk on his face.

Iris: T-Taehyung! Let go! What are you doing? (Whispered)
Taehyung: What am I doing? Just showing Amy here how 'roommates' behave when nobody else is around.(He wrapped his arms around her, holding her close.)

Her cheeks were flushed red with a mixture of frustration and embarrassment.

Iris: This is ridiculous! Let me go, you big dummy!(She whispered)

Taehyung chuckled again, his arms still firmly around her. He leaned down, his face close to hers, a mischievous spark in his eyes.

Taehyung: You know, for someone who claims to be just roommates, you're awfully comfortable in my arms right now, princess.
Iris: T-taehyung...........
Taehyung: Oh, princess, you can act all tough and act like you're not affected, but I know better. you are just shy because she's here. she'll leave.

Iris huffed in annoyance, but she couldn't deny the way her heart fluttered at his words. She glanced at Amy, who was watching the scene play out with a mix of curiosity and confusion. Iris wanted this whole thing to stop.

Iris: T-Taehyung, you're embarrassing me. Let go, please.(She whispered)
Amy: so, is she your new girl?

Taehyung glanced at Amy, his arms still wrapped around Iris, a smirk playing at the corners of his lips.

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